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Mamyalynne | 21:12 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
180 Answers
Her Ladyship appears delayed, so welcome all.


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Mamya! Fancy indeed ☺
Star - I believe the thrill in ownership of my latest acquisition is the aniticpation, the wonder, the sheer fright shown by others LOL. Be happy that we are friends Star!
Mamya you are very brave. I like Baileys if there is any down there. If you get into any trouble you can blame us - well, um, not me just ttfn and as carandrog is new he can take the blame especially for me.
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pffffttt hate all those cobwebs, only got the really old tatty looking stuff, and a Baileys too.
ttfn, in view of your latest acquisition I think we had better opt for Valentine Dyall. Did he do The Man In Black on the radio or is my memory playing me false?
Mamya let me help you brush those cobwebs away. Aren't the really old tatty looking bottles supposedly the best ones? I'll also help you open those Baileys.
He did, Star (she said Poe-faced)
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Oh dear are they?? well am not going down again, will have to do, hic!! ish very gudd tho.
mortally wounded starbuckone this he is a she
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welcome back caran, have you been keeping game, cleared out the menagerie yet?
I,m afraid I must be leaving
as I am running out of rhymes
so goodnight to each and everyone
and may you have the best of times
ttfn I said you were witty. You keep proving it.
mamya - Yummy this is lovely. I knew you could do it. And you know you're worth it. After all it was you opened the club tonight you have worked really hard so what price a few bottles of the hard stuff. (Whispers behind hand) don't forget when asked it was ttfn and carandrog, they persuaded you to do it.
Think I'll apply for the post of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, I'm doing this rather well.
Good night alex dear, sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
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Night Alex and may you keep well ♥

Star you are a minx and so good at delegating dear.
Sorry about that carandrog, I should have had a look. You can still have the job of gamekeeper though - just because you are female doesn't mean you can't still have lots of perks. I am female too and I just mentioned my ability to skin and prepare rabbits and prepare pheasants for the pot and before I knew it they had me as chief gamekeeper. You have to be nippy on your feet to keep out of trouble in this club.
have i missed the ruffle again ? who won the cough candy ?
The hens are cooped
the cats are pooped
the dogs asleep
so are the sheep
I'm still here
time for another beer
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ooops forgot that

winning colours are

sorry about that but I had to have a go
That was good carandrog, Do you like Baileys. We have quite a large number of bottles here and we have to get rid of the evidence before next week.
I've often wondered if they thought I meant peasants, not pheasants. Perhaps I did a typo and didn't notice it. I thought they were all a bit disappointed with the pheasant hot-pot.
Love Baileys, love pheasant too, bought a brace this week, they were frozen tho so still in the freezer. I know about getting rid of the evidence, I can't put our bottles out for recycling as ai don't want the neighbours seeing the amount of bottles so we take them to recycling points, OH thinks I'm mad but he hs to indulge me or else!!

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