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Mamyalynne | 21:12 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
180 Answers
Her Ladyship appears delayed, so welcome all.


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Night Fluffy♥

Star here's a bucketful.
Carandrog are you mad, good you are in
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Carandog if you are brave enough to venture in that will do, have a drink dear and write us a witty ditty.
Good night fluff - enjoy snuggling up to Murphy ♥
Hello Star!!! - missed you earlier. Can't beat a good whodunnit imho
carandrog - a word of warning - sign not your name on anything here at the manse and you will do just fine ☺

Star - fill yer boots with the tailcocks - Mamya has made aplenty
Good, that will do for now, when are you going to get the specials out. Ladyalex will never know if a couple of barrels go missing.
Carandrog, her Ladyship is away this week so we will wean you in gently just dont ask if there are any jobs going, I did and look at me, pistonbroke
Thanks for the welcome, half way down a bottle of rose so well settled now
Hello ttfn, wish I could write poems like you do. You are a lady of many talents and qualities.- all good.
As in lock, stock and smoking barrels, Star? Come and have a luke (Boltonesee for look, btw) at my grenade! It will ensure excellent service wherever I go now ;o)
Mamya - would you be so kind as to show Star the ledger of the cellar contents?
Carondrog - welcome new member (sidles up quietly and whispers) Are you any good at gamekeeping? There's a good job going if you would like it. I have only had it for a few weeks and there are lots of perks go with it. Just think of Lady Chatterley's lover and double it. Just sign on the dotted line.They only charge you a nominal amount and you can pay by direct debit. (Gives sinister chuckle)
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No one goes in the cellar or I will be in big bother yet again, she knows every last drop in there,

Star are my little odes not worthy of mention, sniff!
Oh yes very good at keeping the game going, my speciality is scrabble, I'll scrabble anyone ant time
Star you are very flattering, but truly, I have no talent whatsoever. Merely too much time on my hands and a runaway brain - I think that went over the hill and it blew, it blew ♫
carandrog - I hope you don't mind a little teasing - but it is all meant in the best possible taste and her ladyship is away tonight, so your debut will have less pressure.
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Just sign here and add your bank details, deductions will begin immediately.
Mamya, yours are lovely too. Are you sure you can't get a teensy weensy drop of the special up for us. No? Damnation. We might all be able to write lovely poems like you if we had a little drop of the really strong stuff.
Carandrog - I can see you are going to be a worthy member. Scrabbling around already!
carandrog - you need spell only one word here 'NO' to signing owt ROFL
thats ok ttfn, I can take your new avatar
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Ok then will make a trip down there, what's your fancy?
ttfn - please let me know if you are tempted to pull out the pin in that grenade. I have already assessed the quickest way out (not up in the air in small pieces) or as an alternative I shall dive under the table. So get out of my way or you may find yourselves flattened as I thunder past. Never mind the arthritic joints, I won't even be thinking of them.
Thank you carandrog. My av is in recognition of Valentine
Saint, Dyall or Dickie - you may choose ☺

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