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Mamyalynne | 21:12 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
180 Answers
Her Ladyship appears delayed, so welcome all.


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Have I got news for you Mamya - mine vibrates!
(alarm clock that is - thanks to RNID) ;o)
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elcee the main event ? all night is the event, what wonderful prizes.

Tonights tickets are Number Sage, winning colours drawn soon.
lol you lot are brilliant
alex - you should have written 'hussy'! Sorry kate, but how could you say that alex would 'do'? He is always so lovely and top of my list ♥
from an onion to a pickle
how about a slap and tickle.
kate - go pick a lilly ☺

Draw any colour you like Mamya - I have already removed my <ahem> prize from the raffle store. yay - ttfn rocks. I forsee some respect at last. Now tell me alex, it is this pin here that I have to pull - right?
Kate, I regret I must refuse you
unusual though that may seem
I,m afraid tonight you will not be
the cat that got the cream
alex i think ttfn is getting jealous,so this is the last one and then i'm off before i get flung out the door,
i passed your window
i saw you undress
a wee wooly shirt
a wee string vest
i could have seen more
but fate was unkind
you came to the window
and pulled down the blind.x x x x x x
fluff - we lot are slightly (or more - a lot more in some cases) pished ☺☺☺
I don't need a chink in any frame
To see what's what, if you get my drift
I now have the grenade in my little hand
Wish you better dear kate, now off you shift ♥
goodnight my dear friend ttfn
Sweet dreams kate, wish you better really soon, ttfn ♥
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Break out the tin hats
run for your life
Enas pulled the pin
there will be strife.
Before you all get too comfortable, just a reminder that the peasants are at the gates and we are REVOLTING.
Ena's all right,
Calm down Matron
I've put it back in,
No need to run

You, a Northern lass?
Don't make me laugh
Your knees are knocking
Something's wet on your calf

This Southerner's strong
Not weak at all
If I see the bewildered
I'll have a ball

With grenade in hand
I will patrol the grounds
Do not worry for me
If you hear loud sounds

I was, earlier tonight
On the baked bean thread
Some fresh air right now
Will stand me in good sted
I'm late, I'm late,
On a very important date,

Can't remember any more, but my excuse is the kids didn't wipe their feet or as an alternative take their shoes off so there I was washing the floor at 10 o'clock at night with one eye on the television (Midsomer Murders) and one on the clock. I know I promised not to watch any more murder series but I just can't help it. Poor, poor pity me!
right i can't keep my eyes open, g'night all x
P.S. Where's the tailcocks, I need at least three.
Are there any initiation rites to join this club
Mike should have worn his camouflage
A bull's eye target? I cannot miss
I've bowled a few good uns in the nets
I'll teach him not to take the pis................................tachios

(Nuts to you too mike☺)

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