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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:57 Sat 19th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
248 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all to our club.

As it is the night of the big moon, members are requested to take great care .

Throat pastilles have been made available in the smaller scullery for those who may have need of them.

No doubt the usual drinks and nibbles will materialise along with our dear Matron.

Tonight's raffle prizes include:

An egg slicer (out of it's box, but probably unused)
Five small white buttons (four holes in each )
A box of frogs. (In honour of the big moon)

The colour of tonight's winning ticket is TBA.


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Excuse me, milady, there is no way that number of tickets was sold tonight. From 1 - 554, in peach alone? Pah! I would shake my head, but my neck is still ouchy. I am going to have to ponder on this draw method, I can see.
I never win, has Star got the bubblewrap
i think M,Lady was outside selling them in bunches to the bewildered lot Ena.
Question Author
OOH look I have won the bubblewrap too..excellent.

Well, on that happy note , I shall be off tobed. Good night all, ttfn to AnAn. Thanks for all the laughs, and see you all next week, if we're spared.
ladyalex :-))
Random Ena to keep up the mystery.
Well since Charlie is now handbags and I only have an egg slice to show for my evening out I think I shall wend my way home over the hills and far away with the moon to guide me
Goodnight all enjoyed it all as usual even if nasturtiums were cast on my character at one point
Keep safe
Aye, but rammed 'em where, mamya? Goodnight to lore and lady alex, usual salutation to you both, ♥
Your character is never in question, goodnight dear Alex.
Watch how you go alex. Don't go talking to any strange peeps on the way home.
(in grouchy tone) No I didn't get the bubblewrap mamya. I should have known not to buy too many ruffley tickets. I never win anything. Well, not very often anyway. Strange that I won something when ladyalex was away. Ah well, can't win 'em all, or in my case, can't win any of 'em. I'm off to bed now. Love to all and night night.Thanks for everything.
So soon Alex? Farewell my lovely ( good book that was) sweet dreams and ttfn ♥♥
Got home safely. Guess what I found on the doorstep? (whispers) fire! fire!
Rightio, I feel a bit of a raid on the cellar coming on now then. Has Star got any of her favourite Baileys down there, would you know Mamya?
Daisy - has someone been keeping a welcoming fire lit for you? They do say, home is where the hearth is.
Good night Star, congrats once more. Do you have letters after your name now? Sweet dreams and ttfn ♥ mrs.c - another small drink? Mamya, may I have a giraffe this time please? Its like a carafe only much taller.
well i think i.ll stagger home now whilst i'm still glowing,you can keep an eye on me from a distance,good night everyone
Night Star, yes indeed Ena a foray to the cellar sounds the ticket too.
Mind how you go kate dear, ttsweet and fndreams! ♥
Aah, wish she hadn't mentioned 'rainbow' though - not quite the ticket!
Spotted the deliberate?

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