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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:57 Sat 19th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
248 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all to our club.

As it is the night of the big moon, members are requested to take great care .

Throat pastilles have been made available in the smaller scullery for those who may have need of them.

No doubt the usual drinks and nibbles will materialise along with our dear Matron.

Tonight's raffle prizes include:

An egg slicer (out of it's box, but probably unused)
Five small white buttons (four holes in each )
A box of frogs. (In honour of the big moon)

The colour of tonight's winning ticket is TBA.


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Where am I ? what happened my garments are disturbed and so am I.
Worry not ladyalex. I nipped out in the kerfuffle and removed their appliance's rotor arm.
i may just pop out and give the firemen a push........
Question Author
I resemble your aligatory statement that I used Charlie for a handbag, starbucky.
I think you will find that it was Matron.
Good night Meg, safe journey home, sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
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Nonna..they are firemen. They have spare everything, including arms.

They've all gone now.....quiet, isn't it ?
ah I didn't rush in, I thought the ugly crew were on tonight. *sigh*
Question Author
Night night Meg. Take care.
Ladyalex - Charlie was large enough to make several handbags, but if you insist I will withdraw my previous remarks. I may have made a mistake in the colour of your and mamya's handbags. (looks suspiciously at ladya's handbag lying on floor by the side of the chair). (mutters - looks the same to me.)
Not clouded over yet. Safe to walk home. Thanks for the excitement. Will have swet dreams tonight. Tot siens.
Now, what about this rif raf ruffly wotsit, please. Colour TBA? I have bought a book of the rainbow tickets so I have every one in the speculum, ner ner. Can we please draw the darned thing now?
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Night night Daisynonna. Slep well.
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OK. The raffle:

Tonight's tickets are number: peach
Check (yay), and the number is ....?
I did want the bubble wrap but if whoever is drawing the ruffly tonight doesn't hurry up I shall have to go and take my tablets and go to bed. All the excitement has made me feel exhausted and with a bit of luck I shall be able to cadge a lift in the fire engine. I wonder if they would let me operate the siren.
yes, yes, colours,colours?
Question Author
And the colours are:

and 43

Whoopee I won the knitting pattern!
Night Daisy, though how you could leave at this exciting point in the evening is beyond moi! Sweet do dahs and ttfn ♥
and what am I going to do with an egg slicer may I ask (Keep it clean please)
Gah! I think I have last weeks tickets in my pocket.

Well, I think its bed time for me too. (after I roll off of this beanbag)
Goodnight all x

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