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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:57 Sat 19th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
248 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all to our club.

As it is the night of the big moon, members are requested to take great care .

Throat pastilles have been made available in the smaller scullery for those who may have need of them.

No doubt the usual drinks and nibbles will materialise along with our dear Matron.

Tonight's raffle prizes include:

An egg slicer (out of it's box, but probably unused)
Five small white buttons (four holes in each )
A box of frogs. (In honour of the big moon)

The colour of tonight's winning ticket is TBA.


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Good Lord, the tally's going up all the time. Any advance on 10?
Can we kidnap them ladyalex? Any chance of locking the doors and pulling up the drawbridge?
When would you like to start ttfn it appears I am surplus to requirements with all these YOUNG (boo) husky firemen around
Who is Charlie? Who is Sam? Mrs Chappie is trying to confuse me.
Sadly it is working, I accept she can't drink due to her pregnancy.
any with " dark features " will do me. hose or not !. what is that smell ? its coming from the little scullery, do you have a brace in there lady a. ?
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Here's the sal volatile...we must revive Mamya or she'll never forgive us...what with Sam and everything.

<<Wafts it under Mamya's nose >>
Alex there is no substitution for your vast experience. Don't worry, you will always be very much needed
Ok, what have I missed? Anyone fancy a French.... fancy?
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Wafts sal volatile under ttfn's nose too.
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Lore...can't you see the Fire Brigade are here ?

Oh , no...they're pulling out....
Perhaps Mamya would prefer mouth to mouth resucitation. That blond one keeps edging towards her.
Oh Alex, can you wait for my stiffness to subside please?
<<my neck, my neck, oh lordy>>
Alex - especially when someone needs to be helped up from the floor, which seems to be happening more and more lately. I think they like it. Have you thought of charging for your services? Everyone else is making money, why not you?
Charlie is the crocodile Miss Meg, or perhaps it would be more correct, having seen ladyalex's new handbag, to say was the crocodile.
their breathing apparatus ?
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That's it, they're winding up their hoses and packing their axes.
It's just a matter of time now before they move out......
I give up!!
You're all potty
Lunar tailcocks have made me daft!!
Take care all,
Expect proceeds of jumble sale in my bank account Monday morning Mi'lady,
sure butler will sort itxx
Star, I bet you that milady refutes your alligatorion
Miss meg, alexanderd posted this .....

Mrs chappie you can always keep your octopus in the moat, it will be company for Charlie (the crocodile).

It was with deep regret that I had to break the news to alexanderd about Charlie ..... but he did make a very nice handbag for mammy.
What was that? Packing their axes? I shall have to swallow my pride and wear my hearing aid. I thought you said something entirely different lady a.

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