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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:57 Sat 19th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
248 Answers
The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all to our club.

As it is the night of the big moon, members are requested to take great care .

Throat pastilles have been made available in the smaller scullery for those who may have need of them.

No doubt the usual drinks and nibbles will materialise along with our dear Matron.

Tonight's raffle prizes include:

An egg slicer (out of it's box, but probably unused)
Five small white buttons (four holes in each )
A box of frogs. (In honour of the big moon)

The colour of tonight's winning ticket is TBA.


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There's a man out there, making threats with a can of squirty cream and a box of glace cherries. He's holding a ten-inch swiss roll and waving it about menacingly.

Don't worry, I've seen him off. Told him I'm not one to be trifled with.
Did I feel an icy blast then or was it mrs.c going out like typhoo?
Meg - do you read life lines?
Question Author
No, panic over as far as I am concerned, Alex...past the dangerous age.

Mrs are a card !
lol........ i like swish roll mrs c.... when is the baby due, can i be your birthing partner. ? alex may want to be present !
Milady - give me some credit for making those jokes, what could I have done with chi chi, choo choo, cha cha - nothing, see!
Question Author
Fair enough, AN an . See your point.

Is Alex the father, then Anne ?
He's a dark horse.....
mrs.c - are you still buying those matchboxes with the jokes on the sleeve? So long as no sponge fingers were used, you should be ok x
Yo ttfn, not into lifelines, one can only do so much!!
How are you, not spoken for a while.

I see a grey haired millionaire around the corner from you, he is lusting after you and I see things coming to fruition arond Easter time.

Good luck, see your GP abolut going on the pill.
You certainly can be my partner, anne. The tea-leaves tell me I'm having triplets. I'll go for two in June and one in September, if you're available?
Moi!!! oh no I think not, unless I can blame it on Mamya,s tailcocks
lady a, keep this to yourself please,,,, but matron knows things we dont. she can spot an expectin wummin in the first week ! she told me it was alex !
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I'm starting to lose the will to live now..must be the combination of the Lunar Surprises@ and the Big Moon...and references to sponge fingers....we'll be on to Jaffa Cakes next.
And what happened to my reading, Miss Meg ?
If you think you can flounce out of here , think again. You flounce and I find Uncle Joe and send him after you .....mutter, mutter, grump, grump....
Ttfn, that was quite a cruel remark. You know very well I'm not allowed matches. :o(
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Alex !
Does ttfn know of this ?
Question Author
Oops, sorry , just caught have been a busy boy, Alex, haven't you ....ttfn and Mrs C....well I never.
Is my name being taken in vain?? I never snitch, well if I did I don't recall, who has squashed that swish roll all over the parquet? will get me mop.
Right Mrs Chappie, I pay good money to tell fortuines in here, if you want to mussle in with your tea leaves, fine by me. Discuss rates with Lady Alex.

Next door's rabble are now doing something silly round the moat.
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I think we should all calm down and concentrate on filling the moat. The bewildered lot are all in it moon-bathing, so we can get rid if we hurry

Man the stirrup pumps!
I do beg your pardons - a quick visit to the poswer room was required. I should have got sponsored for P R - pensioner relief, a £1 a ... errm ... footstep anybody?
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I've opened the stop cocks

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Mad over Fifties Club

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