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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
I might adorn the scarf with green fruit gums as I have rather a lot of them!
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Can't tie a scarf? so what exactly were you all doing when you were in the girl guides? Maybe it's best we don't know.
Or maybe I just did too many of those 'who's tied to the kite?' puzzles....
I wasn't a guide for long, just not my thing, although I loved being a Brownie!
I got thrown out of the brownies for swearing.
I didn't like to say it but my semafore flags spelt a rude word, so I was a gonna!!!! never did get the badge!!!
lol Neti, we were country dancing. The tawny owl had long manicured nails and when I made a wrong move she grabbed me by the arm to stop me. he mnails bit into my arm and I said "That bloody hurt" Brown Owl visited my parents for a little chat. mum said she would argue my case if I wanted to stay a brownie but I wasn't bothered.
Oight oight. I believe snow is on its way.
we had sleet here all last night and freezing temps this morning. I fancied an early cup of coffee and foresee kipping on the settee soon.
no snow here, just a bit of drizzle overnight which has melted most of the snow that was still lying round, and now it's sunny

It snowed a bit in the night and now is is lovely and things are rapidly thawing. An avalanche just came down from our high hedge!!

Only three days until my doctor's appt. and I am dreading it. ;o(
Rainy showers, sunny, very windy and now overcast. Have done weekly shop, had brekkie, trotted to village for coffee with my gay male friend, walked along the prom with my music and then struggled to get back up the hill, felt awful, hope it's not bronchitis again, but I feel fine in myself.

Hope you are all Ok, hija flies out this afternoon to Barca. I must sort her room out this week!
Oh dear hundreds of cats are being poisoned on the island, my friend has lost 4 already. Trouble is there are so many feral cats that the locals hate them and put down rat poison. There is a charity called care4cats who come every few months and neuter them for free when they can catch them, but of this does not stop the cats from pooing and peeing everywhere.
One reason I couldn't live in Spain Neti. The disregard that spaniards have for cats and dogs (unless they are their own pets). That and bullfighting!!! Same goes for Australia though!!
Shaney can you help me with the GK crossword, I am confused, for 40a to stick together I have adhere, but then 36d a provencal garlic sauce is aioli, so where the o goes in ailoli is where the d is in adhere??
It's OK shaney found my mistake, it's cohere not adhere, thanks x
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Morning/a'noon/ was deja vu here with the weather, tut. Not quite as deep as before but it was wetter heavier snow and very hard to walk on (only been in the garden). It is thawing & they say it won't freeze so hopefully there'll be no sight of it tomorrow.

Lol ..that's Ok Neti ..I got your message telepathically :)
I don't do the GK anymore ,in fact I've drastically cut down my crosswording.
I was spending a small fortune on stamps so just do a few cryptics ,which I prefer , and buy one Lovatts magazine each month . Mr S has cut back on his newspaper purchases too.
Hope all Biddies are OK .I was about to give my computer the Order of the Boot ( up the garden) yesterday .Crash ,freeze ,slow,crash.So did some household engineering instead .
Lovely sunny day here but still cold .We had another bit of snow but it's thawing away now hopefully never to be seen again ,well,not this winter anyway .
Sunny dry and mild here. Tomorrow the forecast is wet and mild so proper walkers tomorrow. The lie ins have been lovely but it will be lovely to see the dogs really run again
In town today I tried that greeny dress on and it fitted perfectly except it was about 4" too short, there was no way I could wear that, shame as it looked ok. The lady said she was getting more in from May so I'll keep my eyes open!
This new computer is lovely when it works properly, but ooh it keeps restarting itself and that takes ages 1% then 1hr later 50% just don't understand it and now it will not accept an external usb mouse so it's all mouse pad which is OK but I prefer a mouse. The screen gets very big cos I press the wrong most of the time, wish I could use my little netbook but mustn't upset Mr N!

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