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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
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Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Morning all
Bright and sunny at the mo' so hope it holds as we are going to town shortly.
Mr S wants some jumpers .I have my patient wife hat on in readiness.
How long it will last before I take it off is to be left :) But at least I'll get a chish and fip lunch .
Hope you are all Ok .See you later .
I am lucky, if Mr N needs anything he just nips off and buys it, bearing in mind that I usually buy him everything when I am in England.

Have just damp sponged (with bleach) hij'a bedrom walls in case there are any damp spores, but think it is OK.

Apparently it is the authorities who are poisoning the cats, too many around. I understand the problem but surely there is a more human way of doing it.
Good Morning Biddyfriends everywhere. Sorry I haven't had time yet to catch up with your post so I hope you are all alright and hopefully the snow has gone where you are.
I'm back after a traumatic day yesterday. I'm now laughing my head off about it so I thought you might like to too.
Coming home from down South I had to change trains at Birmingham New St..We were told over the loud speakeer that platforms had been altered so off we went up and down stairs again. To cut a long story short 3 of us got on the wrong train. So after a round trip to Wolverhampton, Stoke-onTrent to get a train from there to Derby we were told it had been cancelled and we had to have a ride by bus to Uttoxeter to get the train to Derby. We arrived in Uttoxeter at 4.15 and the train was waiting so we got on all expectant when the announcer said the train would be leaving at 17.00 hours. When we arrived in Derby I got a Taxi to my house and the fare was £7.10. I was so pleased to get home I gave him a tenner! I was 2 and a half hours later than normal.
Now I'm totally exhausted relating that so I'm off for my lunch.
By the way I had a good weekend going to see a football match from the Hospitality Suite and the team won 4 - 0.
See yer later 'gater(s)
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A'noon 'eck, I'm fed up of them saying it's mild, it isn't! The wind cuts right through.

That was a rigmarole Jude, I'm pleased you made it home! What happened to regular trains that ran on time? I've been known to get the wrong one, your heart sinks when you realise, but I've not been on one for years.

I've been for my medico appt...well, enfermera actually I believe the word is. I hope that's not a midwife, haha, she was a nurse, or so I thought. As soon as I asked her some questions it was 'Well I don't know, I'm just a healthcare assistant, you'll have to ask one of the doctors'....tut. I'd gone for a bp check, which amazingly she said is ok, 130/70. That means nothing to me, it's the one thing I've never been able to understand.... I had a tropical moment and asked her if I could put my head in her fridge but I think it was too full of stethoscopes and speculums....
....Speaking of which, she booked me in for a smr tst in March. I think I might have to unexpectedly take my dog to the vet that day.
wow jude what a day.....
I have just been reading up on smears and i think I will be declining my next one. If you get to 65 and have had 3 normal smears in a row they stop inviting you so i reckon I am safe enough in jumping the gun slightly, I calculate I will be 63.....if I'm any younger I will have one more then call it a day....hate the blooming things. Shaney are you still being patient?
Neti that's terrible about the cats.
I gave up on smears after my last one which was the Jade effect, but am at low to almost no risk. Still have the old mammographs though.

Very windy here but sunny. Have done hija's room, washed the walls and changed the bed and aired it all, now the bed is all made up and the heating is on and the leccy blanket is on to air it all through.

Have made meatballs for dinner.

Medico mañana at 11am!!

Welcome back jude, what an adventure, but trust it to happen to you!
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I hate it too woofy and haven't been for one for so long I didn't know they only do them every 5 yrs over 50. If I have this one and it's ok I'll be 64 next time.
oh Jude, I've always wanted to see more of England - lucky you!
I did a separate thread on this but biddies might enjoy a private screening
jno I love it!!
Hello again biddy babes .
Lol that's hilarious Jno .
Mr S couldn't find anything he liked .Typical .It was freezing cold ,they're digging up the roads all over the shop to lay new gas pipes ;the bridge was up ,They've moved the bus stops because of the digging and I was fed up fed up .
We did have a lovely pub lunch though .Plaice ,chips ,peas and salad .

Oh crikey Jude least you are home safely .Hope you had a good time .

I haven't had a smear test since they whipped it all out .I do go and have my boobs made into pancakes on a regular basis though .
is there any procedure to go through to switch GPs? I have just about had it with mine. I have been there three times in a week to get a simple repeat prescription and each time they have come up with a different reason for not having it (the latest is "the doctor has cancelled your medication" - well, how come he didn't mention it to me when I saw him last week?). Plus the fact that it takes a week to get an appointment.

Trouble is I don't know how you can find out if anyone else is any better.
ask around jno. Its easy tho change GP, you just wander into the new surgery and ask to be taken on. It might take a week or so.
I'm sure I've seen an online thingy somewhere Jno where they rate doctors surgeries .
My brother changed his a year or so ago to my surgery with no problem he just went in and asked if they were taking new patients and it was easy
Type in your postcode and there are star ratings .Medical Mystery Trip Advisor :)
thank you, shaney, I have just posted a few flears in my GP's ear!
Hi all. I still have regular smears and mammograms. I also have a regular 2 yearly bowel cancer test I have to send off in the post. Has anybody else had that? I did it about 3 weeks ago and had a reply saying all was well. It's not a guarantee but a sign of blood which has to be investigated apparently.
I've recovered from yesterdays episode and been to Sainsburys. I bought a pair of short tan boots from Tu to go with my beige coat from Tesco besides a load of brocolli and carrots to freeze.
My friend is having a new hip tomorrow so I'm hoping all goes well for him.He has 2 new knees and he has been told that when he's had his hip done the pain in his knees will subside. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him.
The bear video was very funny Jno. I wonder where you all find these funny things. Don't tell me. Maybe it's Google.
I hope you go on ok at the Doctors Neti and he sorts your chest out for you!!
I made a stir-fry meal today. All my own prepared veg and lean mince but I did buy a black bean sauce from Sainsburys.
This afternoon I went walking for 2¾ hours with FuschiaSo I was really ready to eat when I got back so I had a whole garlic baguette with my stir fry. After that a banana and crème fraîche for afters. Loverly!
I'm off now so I'll say oight oight all and have a good night. I'm going to watch Lewis for an hour then off to bed.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Jude, yes, I've had the poo sticks a couple of times. All clear (so far). I know they say it's no guarantee, but it does cheer me up a bit to get the all-clear on anything these days.
I never get an "all clear" they just say that changes aren't too bad and to go back in 2 yrs, that's the booby one!

The meatballs were very nice, I now make it all from scratch, I crush real tomatoes and peppers and onions for the sauce and it is surprisingly nice. I then indulged in jelly, real strawbs and cream, just had a coffe and 4 biscuits, oooeeer! Watching Miranda and then Mrs Brown, can record the 2nd part of Lewis tomorrow and then watch pt 1 and pt 2.
I am not old enough to play poo sticks yet.
Its very windy here and everything is rattling.
Oh woop woop ..Lewis and Dr Hobson have got it together at last !

Yes it's nice to get an all clear .Mr S's recent scan was all clear .
I've done the poo sticks a couple of times too and they were clear although Mr S. did them too and got all clear but that wasn't the case a few months later.
Although they are checking for bowels principally and his was rectal .
Oh enough already TMI ....we've already got detailed bowel movements of one ABer :)
It's rattling here too Woofy .Wild and stormy .Oight Oight folks .

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