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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Getting a bit colder here now, the wind is biting, but enjoyed my sojourn to Ibiza City! Bus Driver wanted me to have a glass of wine with him at 11.3o but way too early for me, I bught myselfa royal Blue bolero with long sleeves and it ties under the bust, to wear with long summer dress that I got in Peacocks last year. The bolero ws onoy 3€ so I thought to hell with the expense!

Never doing a Mary Berry knot ever again, it looked muddled and I could not for the life of me untie it on the hot bus, when I was back in SE and having yet another coffee a friend undid it for me, oh the relief! no one looked impressed with it either!

Decided to give the turkey stew to the wild cats, and have now made a quick chicken curry and a separate veg curry instead.

Hija now has my 3rd phone and my favourite as can't get her sim to work on my other phones, and she is losing calls from jobs that she has applied for, so bye bye zte, it was my favourite, am now back to the newer but deadly Alcatel onetouch andoid which sort of works ok for me! :-(

Have aching back, so am having a cuppa and going to watch tv for a while.

Yes of course I have 100's of scarves just cannot find them all, I fling them into sheds and cupboards in the height of the summer, and now of course I cannot find them!!!!
I love all the clothes and think that coat would be really you Robinia but ....pricey !
Perhaps they'll reduce it in the sale ...if you click on it daily :)
The parka is nice Lofty .I love my cotton parka I bought in Debs ,ideal for the summer which we never seem to get much of these days.
Well I dithered round the High St but my back and hips scream so much it's no pleasure . I totter along like Aunt Sally .
Yes lovely scarves on the market in Norwich and they have some nice ones on our market but I won't be going over the bridge until the damn roadworks are finished .It's chaos over there .
Yes that would be nice Lofty ...... a nice meal and a natter.
Lottie, meant to say how awful for you to have neighbours like that, I do not get on with one side but we just ignore each other (well the wife does, the hubby always speaks as do the grown-up children). It's no wonder you are a bag of nerves, awful awful awful, still hopefully you can de wind now! (not wind as in tummy trouble wind as in wool!)

Just been looking at the hotel photos in Barca where we are staying, and although we are in a standard double, it has 2 queen size beds and a lovely bathroom, and all amenities. Trouble is it's a bit of a trot to Las Ramblas, and Mr N will march me up and down and he just doesn't realise I get tired in the afternoons, my back and hips will be screaming too shaney, and my knees, in fact I am dreading it now!
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Bloomin heck neti, can you do Chillibiza please?! :) Your posts are wearing me out, you're busier than Jude!

Yes, way out of my pricey shaney, I think Kate Middleton wears Reiss doesn't she? I'll have to skulk around her front gate and wait for her to put her charity bags out. :)

Hope your new neighbours keep up their friendliness for you Lottie. Mine are very nice people but, erm, lets say some things have slipped very quickly.

I just received an email with the title 'Perfect Pancakes' which made me gasp, I thought someone had been viewing my mammogram images. :)
I do have a lot of energy until about 4 in the afternoon then I just want to crash but I don't cos there is always something or other to do. Sorting out hija is a marathon task at the moment.
How any of you understand my typing is beyond me, I clack away and forget it's a Spanish keyboard (that's my excuse) and then it's all nonsense.
shattered from Spain enters left...

The curries were excellent even if I do say it myself, hija said to Dad, "It's as nice as the dinner I made isn't it" and the ever diplomatic Mr N said well, it was certainly more colourful!!

Too tired to bath tonight so will shower in the morning, am in bed waiting for Eastenders.

How are you all??
What she actually said was ·Is it as nice as the dinner I made Dad?"
neti that's sweet. Sis is here so i will be running around enjoying myself for the next week or two. We went out for proper walk this morning and slept in bed all last!
Morning woofy, morning all.

Glad you managed a good night's sleep woofy, makes all the difference.

I had one of my mad dreams in which I was eating a huge full English brekkie and it was tasteless with bands of lace in it, no idea, but thought it was 10m when we woke but it was only 9am so having a cuppa and a lie in, Mr N has gone to work.

Eating out tonight hurray!!!
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A'noon thingies...very chilly but brightening up a bit. I actually slept right through last night too. The only problem with that is waking up all stiff and dehydrated because I haven't moved much or drunk any water in the night.
I think your dream means you'll have a fling with a breakfast chef neti :)
Oh god no, a brekkie chef over here would be a rough English chap, no thanks!

Much cooler here today and I love it, actually wore a padded jacket. Had brekkie (a spanish one tomato on bread) then we did a bit of shopping, I bought a long woollen scarf for one €, then we walked up to the Puig den missa

I am shattered, so just had a quick bath and will put my feet up til we go out tonight!
I slept OK from about 3.00a.m, after tossing and turning, listening to gentle music on the radio, getting up for a wee twice, bashing Mr LL in the ribs because he was breathing, etc. etc. I drifted off after taking a couple of paracetamols (my hips and ribs were hurting) and drinking a glass a water.

I know what you mean about being dehydrated though Robi. I am always too warm in bed and also wake up stiff with a headache and limbs that refuse to move.

I have just spent 1/2 in the garden, doing a bit of this and that, but it's clouded over now so have come in for a Bovril and a packet of crisps!!

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lovely pic neti...
lol Lottie, I couldn't stand anyone breathing near me in bed, I'd be like a zombie in no time. I swept the patty-ho earlier and ferreted all the leaves out of the drain - again. I know you can buy covers but there are three pipes going into it so it would be more cut out that cover. The hydrangea mops have started to blow off too.
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*than, not that
hello all, busy day, been shopping, sorting out computers, nattering to Sis non stop and sorting out some business in america. Its cold here....cold enough to snow but I hope not. oight oight all sleep well and don't wake up stiff.
Just back from Chinese, Thai, Japanese meal, it was lovely, food served so fresh and so much that I had to stuff it in a plastic bag and bring most of it home. The waiters were surprised at the amount and quickness of the food disappearing. Am stuffed, and already in bed cos have to get up at 6.30 (5.30 your time) to get hija to airport.

Oight oight really sleepy, take care and have a good night, wonder where shaney is today, hope she is OK, x
Shaney is Ok and full of Ibroprufen .
I went to Morrisons this morning and had to phone Mr S to come along with the trolley as I couldn't make it home with the shopping .Put myself in bed for a while .Next time I go to the doctor I'm going to make a fuss about getting some proper treatment for this .I'm sick off being fobbed off with painkillers .
Hope everyone is Ok otherwise .Very cold here tonight .I've been on the sofa all evening with a hwb on each hip watching the Sopranos .Mr S went and got fish and chips .
Oight Oight sleep toight .
.Morning all, jus off to airport with hija, laters>>
Ooo Neti early bird. We have just been out fr a cold wet walk, are now warm and dry and going back to bed. Shaney do kick up for proper pain relief. Ask about a pain clinic or pain relief consultant.
Raining and chilly, lovely my kind of weather.

Hija's landed in Barça and we have done the weekley shopping, now just filling in time until I meet my friend for coffee at 11.30 if I am not asleep. Looking forward to a quiet clean day!!

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