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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Hi all. Another busy day for me. I had to take my printer to the local repair shop because it didn't work. I'm not giving you a running commentary on that about what I did to it but it was all my fault. Then I went to Boots at a place called The Wyvern after having to go on a long detour to get there because the slip road was closed (by police) on to the A52 then I went for lunch with one of my Tuesday Ladies Wot Lunch then I went to see the other Lady Wot lunches Husband as he was 70 today and she was at the dentist. Then I had to come back and collect my printer duly repaired. Received a new telephone and had the job of sitting reading the instructions and setting it up and entering all my contacts in it.
On Friday I think I'm having and ECG as well so I hope my heart has settled down a bit after today!!. Mind you, I had 3 last year after I broke my wrist. They were routine, as apparently, when you are a certain age they give you one if your having an op. I hope all your results come back ok Lottie.
I'm listening to Derby playing at Hull now on Radio Derby so I'm off to get something to eat while I listen it.
Oight Oight everybiddy see yer later 'gater(s)
Hello Jude x

Neti, I have no complaints with our medical service here. I do have complaints with some receptionists though. I am not surprised. I had to wait at reception last week to make the appointments whilst she finished off her conversation with her colleagues in the back office. I must admit I prefer our nice older receptionists who are spot on. The younger ones are slaphappy!!
They are doing minor ops at our town practice now, including cataracts. It is getting more like a hospital and less like a surgery every day.

However, I still dislike going there and I will have to go again about my persistent itchy stingy heaps when I can face being poked up the ******** !!!

I think I might go to bed shortly.
Have been watching a programme on Ch.5 about Clinica Benidorm - a private hospital. If you haven't got enough insurance cover, they patch you up and send you by ambulance to the Public Hospital, but they never show the public hospital on the programme!!! Actually, I have to admit that our National Health Service is still pretty good regardless of what certain AB doctors seem to think.
Hello all, couple of busy days doing stuff. My knees are giving me gyp but won't tell sis. We had heavy snow here yesterday, happily it didn't lie. When I was a littleun we knew a lady who had goats. I don't think that the nannies smell but the billies sure do.
Anyway really weary so oight oight all
Lottie if the Benidorm hospital is anything like the Ibiza one then it is wonderful, only ever 2 beds to a ward, with Tv (which can be a nuisance) The tourists here automatically get taken to Clinica Villas out private clinic, so hopefully they have health insurance. My hija was born there privately and we had to pay for everything, even down to bottled water!
What I can't understand Neti, is why all the drunks with cuts and bruises are first taken to the private hospital. Is it a money making exercise because they know most people have insurance. They ship them very quickly to the public hospital if they don't have insurance!!
Hello Woofy.

I now am appointed baby minder to the three woofies next door when their Mum is at work, so can pop in and give them a walk round next door's paddock. They are just so lovely - all rescued greyhounds, two boys and one gorgeous girl.

It is so nice now that the old neighbours have gone. We are back to our lovely little community of four houses with people who care for each other. We don't live in each other's pockets.

I am already looking forward to my donkey!!!

Sleep tight all of you. Oight, oight, xxxx
Just popped in to say Goodnight .
It was The Woodstock Neti on the Epsom Road .The guvnor was a bluff old scotsman but a lovely man . He died and then of course his wife only had the widows year ( this was in the day of tenants )and then it was run by a succession of hopeless managers .
Parts of it were listed as it was originally a manor house and the back lounge was where Nelson reputedly entertained Lady Hamilton .It had the most beautiful ornate ceiling . I worked there for many happy years until we got made redundant when they got taken over by S&N and they wanted younger staff with big bazooms :)

I've just watched The Fixer and a really interesting programme about Kings Cross station while I knitted .

I agree Lofty .Our doctors are quite good and we've got a new Medical Centre too and a walk in centre .It's the dragons on the gate who get on my nerves and I'm not altogether impressed with these nurse practitioners .
We've got two at our practice ,very nice ladies but I sometimes get the feeling of being fended off from seeing the actual doctor .You can get an appt with them pdq but a GP appt is a wait .
Sorry your knees are playing up Woofy .I know the feeling .I've had the whole gamut with knees ,physio,washouts ,cortisone etc .Next stop replacement I suppose but I would rather KBO :)
Oight Oight all.
Sleep toight .
Good morning...good start to the day, knees a bit better and dogs have had a walk.
Have felt a bit quiet lately. A very old friend of mine (we were at college together, don't meet now but write loads) has just failed the poo test and is waiting for the colonoscopy appointment. She's has two or three brushes with stuff. Any thoughts, prayers, cosmic ordering what ever you have really, could you chuck it in her direction please? She is called Caroline.

The parts of the new Ikea bed are all now in the spare room, we lugged it upstairs yesterday....let the cursing begin.
That's lovely about your new neighbours Lottie. I would be looking forward to a donkey too, they are so clever.
My experience of the NHS is that it is like the curate's egg...trouble is that the parts that are bad are truly terrible.

Did I congratulate Great Aunt Neti? The photo is lovely.
Morning all, lovely day here. Lottie I think it is just policy to take all tourists to the private clinics, don't want them cluttering up our NHS hospitals, they have enough to deal with. Surely treatment for tourists is covered by the EHC111. The tourists here do such silly things, they jump from balconies and it is mostly self inflicted and we have lost patience with them. These private clinics are 2nd hospitals and sometimes even we are sent there for (free) treatment, just too many accidents in the summer for the main hospital to cope with.

Not much happening today, but I really ought to get up!!
The E111 card things only cover what you can get in the public sector in the country you visit Neti. People wrongly think it covers them in EU countries for any problems!!

Oh yes, the twins are really lovely Neti. I meant to say. An old friend of mine had twin boys both in the 7lb. area. One slightly above, and one slightly below. Back in those days, they didn't know it was twins until she went to the doctor because she was overdue - yes overdue with twins which must be very rare.

Good morning by the wy.
And thoughts for Caroline too. However, a lot of blood in poo tests point to other things, so don't get to despondent woofie.
I don't do poo tests because with IBS and possible diverticulitis there is likely to be some blood and the poo test is just a test for blood. I sometimes worry, but whilst my weight remains steady or rises I am satisfied. Apparently, rapid weight loss is a sign, although this comes about more as the disease progresses. Keep your chin up and remain positive.

Of course, Shaney knows only too well about these things, and there has been a happy outcome - their often is. My Grandad had his op at 72 and lived until he was 90 and died of old age!
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Morning all...same old, same old, grey and ice on the bird baths. Large amount of snow heading this way just to cheer us up. I'm getting more despondent by the day, had a lousy night and lay awake worrying...cos that's what I do between the hours of 3 and 5 if I can't sleep.

Stay positive about your friend woofy. I agree, many of these tests turn out to be nothing. That said I sometimes think I never want another test as long as I live. I'm terrified of having to go into hospital nowadays. Being so ill at a young age was a living nightmare, and treatments are less aggressive now, but comparing the way hospitals are now to how they were then I'd say I was lucky with the care and the team of doctors I had.
Morning all
Grey and dreary here too.
I hope your friend will be Ok Woofy .Lots of cosmic coming her way .
Yes Mr S has been lucky so far..
I always feel guity when I see that poor chap Owd in CB because he had the same thing and is having a rough time and Mr S is fairly fit and well.
I must vacate the premises as Picky should be here shortly and they'll want the computer to do some figure work and of course he'll want food !
Take care all ,see you later .

When Mum gave birth to her first lot of twins no one had a clue until she delivered the first and then they said "Oops there's another one", 2yrs later she gave birth to another surprise set!!

The EHC111 covers emergencies not ongoing illnesses which is why they are sent to private clinics, too many Brits have been having babies on the E111 (which doesn't exist now, we all have the EHC111).

Toe much better so I went without strapping it up and it's starting to throb a bit now, foot not swollen just the two toes, hope it settles by next Wed as we are off to Barça.

We only have a poo test if working in the catering business, I wouldn't want one of those, and like jude said ECG's when having an op. I reckon I am pretty healthy really. Poor Lottie I have dreadful knee trouble 13 yrs ago like a sharp knife stabbing into the knee or behind the knee but haven't had that for years now (Hopefully!)
I have been quite busy, I climbed into the top of our huge wardrobe to get out the loose covers for the settees which are bright yellow and get so dirty that I rarely use them, but as Mr N promised to buy us new settees I though I'd smarten the place up a bit and use them, feel like trailer trash at the moment, everything broken or falling apart, but cupaboard is so deep that I cannot get them all so Mr N will have too.

Then I did a big clean with the hoover, can see the carpet now! then made moroccan veg and chicken, for the cous cous tonight. Washed up and done the local paper crossword. Cold now!
Had a good friend for lunch today for a catch up. Really enjoyed seeing her. It has been absolutely freezing here, but no snow. Mr LL has had to postpone his South Yorkshire trip tomorrow because of snow. Roll on Spring...............

Had a large lunch and don't know what to have this evening.
Hang on, I'm still waiting for winter!!!!!

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