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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Jude I said that I wanted to get my cholesterol down naturally but the specialist said it wouldn't happen so I take simvastatin when I remember.
Neti, I am totally confused now as to what the Nurse was rubbing!!!
oh yes, I have found the little bullets much more effective too, Lottie. The cream was so hard to aim, always getting everywhere over the bathroom walls, the man next door's flowers, the Greenland Ice Cap etc etc. The infuriating thing was that I never even heard of them until after I'd had two operations, another example of my utterly useless GP.

Jude, yes, that'll be statins. I was on them for a year till they started making my arms hurt, then another doctor took me off them and said she didn't know why my GP had prescribed them in the first place as my cholesterol seemed fine. That is probably because I have Spanish cholesterol, not British, and they include more sangria in the numbers.
You do make me laugh jno. A priceless sense of humour. Yes, the cream goes everywhere. Supplied with something akin to what you use to pipe icing, which gets bunged up and there you are standing in a compromising position in the bathroom squeezing a tube to no avail - and when you have given up and takeng the icing nozzle off out comes 6" of the ruddy stuff all over the bathoom.

Bullets are better!!

My second oight oight of the noight. x
good morning, have just read back and (very quietly) laughed myself silly at the mixture of meat and feet and icing nozzles and bullets.
That dress is fabulous, I so wish it suited me but deffo not for me.
Dh couldn't do statins at all, they made him feel like he had the flu.
I had a long chat to my friend Caroline yesterday, the first for ages, as we usually write and she doesn't do computers. She is grateful for your comments and good wishes and is feeling much more positive. She has an appointment to see Nurse specialist next week.
We finished all the hard labour yesterday and are now doing the nice bits to the bedroom (finishing decorating the painted furniture, choosing ornaments and so on.)
Anyway, the dogs are asleep and I should be too.
oight oight only its morning.
Morning all
Dry and dark .Just having a cuppa and then I'm off to bandit country in a while to the famers market .
I'm glad your friend is feeling positive Woofy .I hope things turn out Ok for her.
See you all later.

just had a nice previously unknown cousin round for a visit. It turns out he owns a vineyard and has invited us to stay. Not this time, we won't have time, but definitely on the agenda some day. Now I just need an unknown great-aunt with a helicopter who could ferry us there.
Good morning/afternoon all. Thanks for all th data on Statins and Cholesterol. I really don't want to take them but Neti you say your Dr. said it couldn't be lowered by diet so I'm a bit unsure but I'll have a go and then when I have my blood test at the end of May I'll probably find out.
The nurse told me to stay of saturated fats.
I'm pleased your friend is more positive Woofy and that we helped in some small way. I know definitely that my diet helps me because I keep some foods that can irritate the colon to a minimum. If I like them I just have them now and again.
I'm off to have my lunch and then to footie at 2.00. Derby play Wolves at home so I'm looking forward to the walk as well as the game.
Laters 'gaters ! :)
Hello again, just had to show you my flowers. (They're not on my CD racks permanently.)

P>S> They didn't come in the glass vase either - that was my Mums. They were just in the red and black carrier.
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A'noon all...what a lovely day, bright crisp and no wind, just how winter days should be. It gives you an incentive to move in the morning, I was at the shops before all the unwashed and their unruly kids were on the loose.

Love the dress Lottie, I do like denim... you sound just like me, I'm always saying 'If I'm going to have *such&such* I'd better have it while I can/before I'm too old. I've even found myself looking at things and considering whether they'll see me out. :)
That sounds like my kinda shopping spree shaney, I hope it cheered you up. I need a new sofa...I daresay that would be the last one I bought.

Thankfully I haven't had a cholesterol prob...yet. When I was reading all the posts I saw asteroid and bullets and I thought Lottie's 'roids had gone cosmic :) I've never used a nozzle, or bullets, lol, and but I'm still able to locate the appropriate area with a dob of cream. Maybe they should do a squirty mousse..hahaha ...can't stop laughing at that thought.

Lovely flowers Jude! Enjoy the match, grand day for it.
I think I might have a toddle round the grounds, lots of dead stuff needs to be snipped off.
Good morning Biddies. Well Good Afternoon really!, but I slept from 12.30 am until 10.00am. The new happy pills are really working, so, with them and bombs, I am up and running, if somewhat creaky!!! (I can cope with creaky and arthritic pains to a much greater extent than a couple of weeks ago)

Our new neighbour's Dad is possibly buying one of the holiday barns next door to his daughter at the other side of her field. They are leasehold and obviously limited to 10 or 11 months a year that you can live in them, which suits him because he wants to go abroad for a couple of months each year. The upside of all this is that there is a lovely swimming pool for all the people that own the barns and my neighbour has said we can all go swimming if he buys one. How good is that!!! Life has got better in a our little hamlet since the trolls have gone underground.
Ooooh Hello Robi!!!!

And a late hello to Jude, jno and Woofy too. Caroline will be OK!!
.............. and Shaney x
And Jude, diet does help. Most doctors recommend diet first unless your chol. is very high. It certainly helped me. Saturated fat is a big factor, so cut down as much as you can. Plenty of fish, chicken and turkey. Cut down on eggs (very high) red meat and full fat dairy produce.
Better stop talking to myself now and get out to those roses!! Off for Chinese New Year celebration this evening.
My oids were very internal, Robi, No external ones this time. Trying to put cream in the appropriate area was well nigh impossible. The icing nozzle made it even more impossible!!
Hello all, been busy shopping and getting my phone sorted again!

Had to laugh at the cream all over the place, and those nozzle things can be quite sharp.

Lovely flowers jude and I like the card with 2 glasses of champagne, almost romantic! :-)

My specialist said it would take months to bring the chol down and to take the statins, probably thought I did't have that long to live!!! Olive oil is only hEalthy if not heated, lovely on salad but unhealthy if used in cooking!

bloody ryanair, I am trying to print off hija's boarding pass and they are so damned confusing, I hate them!!

Mr N s thinking of getting me a wheelchair in Barça, can you imagne cos he wants to go hither and thither! I said I would have a mobility scooter and he said not likely I would be a danger to man and beast!!!
Love the dress too Lottie, are you bosomy or slim, not sure if I could get away with that?
Good luck with that Neti had to be wheeled around the hospital by Mr S when I had my gammy leg.Scary, he was like roadrunner on speed !
Cold over in that aircraft hangar this am,but got lots of goodies .Nice fresh veg ,eggs,meat , fish ,bread and a naughty apricot tart.
Pretty flowers Jude .
I love that barn Lofty .That would suit me down to the ground. The dress is nice but my knees are too big for leggings.
I sometimes think these drug companies are in league with the doctors to get everyone taking these statins .I don't know why she put me on a high dose when mine is only 6.
They put my SiL on 80 mgs of it after her heart attack and they affected her terribly .I still eat cheese, butter and eggs .

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