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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Hello All. It's half time betwwen Man U. and Real Madrid. So I thought I'd catch up. I'm asking 'whoever is helping me' to help your friend Caroline Woofy. I've been seeing blood on and off for 15 years, truly. I had diverticulitis first diagnosed then it developed into ulcerated colitis.They showed me a photograph of thatg. Ugh! I was so scared as my Mum had an op for bowel cancer when she was 72. She had a stoma and coped brilliantly and was fine and it never came back. So please keep your chin up for her as it may not be anything serious. I really hope so for her.
I've had a lovely day at school. Lovely 5 and 6 year olds. It was great. I wish I could do more but I seem to have a bit of a full diary.
Tomorrow I'm off to Live at Lunch at Nottingham with my walking friend. I think I'm repeating myself sorry if I am :) It's an age thing you know.
Anyway have to go the second half has started. Oight Oight everybody see yer tormorrer begorrer!!
Thank you all for your good wishes, i will be writing to her tomorrow. We have been busy again today putting an ikea bed together and will finish tomorrow. The boys had a lovely walk this morning but Rab ate something he shouldn't and has a dicky tum so no outing tomorrow, we will go and look at the sea instead.
yawn....oight oight all
Good morning, woofy send my best wishes to your friend also.

Jude always rushing here and there, wish I was!

Had the cat cuddled up to me all night, pushing me to the edge of the bed, but so sweet somehow, Mr N was there also but guards his part of the bed from the cat by fair means or foul, so I get it all!

Having a lie-in today and off to make a hair app for morrow so it is a bit more presentable, was going to say tidy but I don't do tidy!! It's a bit long at the back!
Morning Biddyfriends. Off to the have my hair cut as well Neti before I get on the Red Arrow to Norringham with my riend.
It's a lovely morning here. sun shining and no snow. Let's hope it stays like it for a while.
Steady called yesterday to put my chower curtain up for me and he was having a right moan about the weather. It stops him playing golf. He says when he retires he's off to the sunshine somewherwe. Where ther's a golf course I bet!! Lateres 'gaters
Norringham with my reind ??? You know where and who with don't you? Please excuse the errors. I've got to get cracking as usual!
evening all, clutching my tum on a moderately balmy Pacific evening, possibly as a result of some dodgy Burmese ice, maybe just because I'm old and dont travel so well any more. Sorry I don't have time to read 1124 answers at the mo so will just hope you are all having a nice St Valentine's day with lots of secret lovers. I have had a nice email from Olga, and another one assuring me that in the Canadian lotto I have won 82 Great British Pounds Sterling. Aren't the scams setting their sights a bit low these days?
Blimey, Jude gets on the Red Arrows to Nottingham. How good is that!!

Hope she got on the right one.

Good morning.

Hope your tum improves soon jno. Happy Holidays! Burma indeed. I am going to the New Forest in a couple of weeks - perhaps I will get Bournemouth Bug.

Off shopping shortly!
And it's not lovely here. Grey and raining!!
Waves to jno, please come back joseluis is sending me 6 love emails a day now (I presume it is him!)

Have a nice trip jude.

Had to hobble out twice today as hija needed money (What else), not her fault this time, the bank went made nd emptied her account and has to be sorted by her in her bank next week, so until then I had to moneygram some dinero to her! which meant my foot is now absolutley killing me!

Beautiful day here if I say so myself, had to leave jacket at home for second trip, way too hot.
Neti, Is it a hobby of yours breaking toes!!!! It doesn't seem long ago that you were hobbling for the same reason. Buy yourself some Totectors my woman!!!!
Lottie they are shiite kickers. I am always barefooted, that is the problem, I hate wearing shoes. Am thinking that tomorrow I will have to see medico or A&E cos the toe is really painful and still everso big, I need to know how to deal with it, so will go and ask sqad in a min.

Was so busy today, for some reason I washed all the cushion covers and had to sew most of them back on as the zips had gone, doctored up the cous cous, am a bit shattered now. Off to hairdressers at 10.30 mañana!
Needless to say Valentine's Day had been and gone and ne'er a card or chocs or anything!
Ahh Neti I feel sorry about your foot (which I hope heals soon - and I would go to the Dr. about it) and your lack of Valentine wishes from anyone. So I'm sending you lots of Love and a Big Hug.
I bet you can remember some time when you did get some Valentine wishes from someone though in the past.
I genuinely cant remember anyone sending me anything to do with Valentines days since my teenage years. So I was very very lucky this year to get a card and some flowers which I didn't expect. My friend said they were for helping him over his week after coming out of hospital after his hip operation. How kind was that.
The music in Nottingham today was lovely. 2 young men. 1 on a viola and 1 on a piano. They played a suite by Bach and a sonata by Brahms. The pianist finished off with Goerge Gershwin and they both played their arrangement of Moonlight in Vermont to finish. After that we went to Pierre Bistro for lunch whihc I rounded off with a Baileys Latte.
Good to hear from you Jno hope your tum trouble has gone when you read this and you are enjoying yourself.
That's about it for today. Nurse tomorrow then town to M & S to pick up some things.
Oight Oight All. See yer later 'gater(s)

Jude how lovely for you and what a nice man your friend is. You deserve them cos you are a very nice person.

I have never received many valentine's cards, but there was a beautiful one when I was about 15yrs and I still do not know who it was from. I will have to hold onto that memory as it's all I've got.

Did any of you others get anything? I shall be right miffed if I am the only one without!!!!
Oooh yes Neti ...the postman was quite worn out this morning dragging a huge sack of fan mail up the drive :) Like you the last Valentine I had was from some long forgotten beau many years ago .
Is your toe still hurting ? I would go to the doctor .
That was nice of your friend to think of you Jude .
I had some rather sad news today but I won't go into it as I don't want to jinx anything .
Nice to hear from you Jno .Hope you're enjoying yourself in spite of rumbling tums .Hope it soon settles .
Been a bit milder here but still grey although we got a bit of watery sun late this afternoon .
I'm off to bed as my bro is coming to pick me up in the morning to take me and my Sil and the bridesmaid to town.The local posh depatment store has a mega sale so we thought we would have have a nosey and coffee and cake in the restaurant .
50% off some Tula handbags :)
Oight Oight .

Just did a massive fast skim. Yes Lottie I saw the thread and joined in....Neti, WEAR SHOES!!!!!!!
Jude, you sound like you are having fun, jno take more alcohol with it, it's a great antiseptic.
Shaney have. Lovely time, I am a but of a Tula fan, they make the best wallets which last ages.
Where's Robi?
Bed is now put together and looking fab, pictures soon.
Wnt to the dentist today and all is well which is totally amazing

Oight oight all.
Hi shaney and woofy, look at woofy dashing in and out, I hate wearing shoes and just cannot when in the house, in the 60's I didn't wear shoes for 2 yrs even in the cold winter, I was a bit of a hippie then!

Oh shaney, like me then, no valentine's cards!

Am off to sleep, oight oight
Guess what, I am sitting here shoe/slipper/sock less in this cold room. I too hate shoes, but do wear them when I go out. Well not shoes actually - boots in winter, trainers (not white!) and sandals in summer. Shoes are a no go. Slippers are just horrible - socks are horrible too. My feet like freedom!!

oight oight xx

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