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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
No Neti I am not slim. Far from it I am a size 18, but not bosomy, although I do have a bosom, 40 C cup. I am wide across the back and not hippy either. In fact I am straight up and down with a huuuggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeee waist. So a dress like that will hide the huggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeee waist area and no-one will know (she kids herself.
I don't have big thighs either.

My knees aren't exactly wonderful Shaney, but black leggings slim them down. I look dreadful in skirts below the knee unless they are really ankle/floor length. And Shaney, I eat butter too, but not much of it. I don't like eggs, but I adore cheese. I eat much less cheese than I used to. And we rarely eat sausages or bacon. Seem to buy more fish than anything else these days. Mr LL's heart attack gave us both a shock and he is much more strict than I am with what he eats. I have just eaten a chocolate cookie and it was scrumptious.

Back to the roses. ....................
Shaney, the barn is nice isn't it. There is a complex of about 8 of them. I wouldn't mind one myself, but you have to move out on occasions which wouldn't be very practical and besides, although you have all the fields around there are no private gardens and Mr LL would be totally lost without a plot of land.
I may try some leggings on when I go to Marks to spend my vouchers .
I remember wearing them back in the 80's but I was much slimmer then :(
Skirts have to be ankle length .My legs are not my best feature these days at all.
I love eggs and all things fattening ,but I tend to limit stuff these days too .I spread the butter a tad thinner and have one egg instead of two
Mind you I don't seem to lose any weight !
And I won't .....while that apricot tart is winking at me :)
If I yawn much more my head will fall off .
I was up before the streets were aired today so I think it's Oight Oight from me ...sleep toight .
Hello all. Today we stamped soon but it has to be sealed with pva first...I know it sounds weird but its looking amazing.
Tomorrow we are going shopping in!
oight oight
Morning all.

"Stamped furniture?" or stamped on furniture, I just cannot imagine!!!

I'm more bosom than anything else, have slim hips and slim legs, was wanting to get some thick ribbed (sort of a pattern) leggings in England but they were so clingly I felt uncomfortable in them, made me look very top heavy, but a dress like that would have been good but alas I didn't see one!

The cat came in at 5.30am stinking of other cats, yuk and insisted on sleeping next to my legs, which for a bit of peace and quiet, I allowed, butthe stink in this room now (and outside the window, can't be doing) will now have to wash the quilted bedspread. I bought some liquid in Eastbourne to remove cat smells so will spray the room, oooh love the cat hate these smells.

Bit of a dull day outside, just lolling and lunching today.

Hope the rest of you are OK.

How's Lottie???,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&;bvm=bv.42553238,d.d2k&biw=1138&bih=518&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=I7IgUbGlC4-2hAfU4oHgAw

This is my brother's, it's all log cabins or old barns, it's arestful salmon fishing holiday place, very similar, but I would love to buy that one in Fakenham, it is really cheap!
oh, just seen some biddies are rebranding themselves, I look forward to encountering the new yous.
good morning jno, are you still away? still in Burma or have I missed some of your travels?

I was so hot last night, and now I am cold in bed with writstwarmers and slippers!
Morning all
Grey and misty here.
Woken at about half one by a policeman at the door .When I looked out a car was perched through next doors wall .They wanted to know if we had seen or heard anything .I was sound asleep so didn't .
It must have been going some as it had to career across the road and up a slope to hit the wall .Luckily nobody was hurt but his wall is completetly wrecked.
Happy Sunday all. What lovely houses. It makes me look round my little place and notice all the jobs that need doing but if I could afford to live somewhere like that I would be able to afford to get all the maintenance done as well.
It's a lovely sunny day today so it may be a walk for me later.
It's and ironing day today and the usual tidy up. Hospital tomorrow for my wrist review.
Hope you're all have a peaceful Sunday. Ailments and injuries at a minimum. I've cut out croissantes for breakfast hoping that they were contributing to my raised chol. I've been eating them almost everyday since Christmas. What do you reckon!! :) My sister says they're loaded with fats!!
Laters 'gaters
Hi jude, yes croissants are very high in fat, usually butter.

My house is falling down around my ears, there is so much to do and Mr N doesn't want to do any of it, more and more little things go wrong and stay wrong. I am really fed up feeling like trailer trash, and don't get me started on the algroba trees, they are huge and need chopping down!! asd do all the weeds and grasses.

I am fine thanks Neti! The barn is cheap because it is a holiday cottage. It's not the whole complex which you might be thinking of, just a part of it.
This will give you more of an idea. 2 beds, communal gardens, shared use of pool and gymn.;tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=vs8gUbmTDo_otQaLiYEo&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&;biw=1024&

Am off to the garden centre shortly. The meal last night was from 7.30 until 11.30 with 7 courses and everything was freshly prepared by our friend. He never does anything that is on his standard menu. Every course was absolutely delicious. I was totally stuffed!! We were eating for 4 hours but with a nice break between courses.

See you later - really lovely here this morning.
love those old barns, I want one!

Oh dinner sounded lovely. I wanted a fillet steak for lunch so we went to San Rafael, we ate chiperones (baby squid about 1" big legs included) then I had my steak with delicious real chops (I love chips) then a lovelky coffee flavoured ice cream and a bottle of rosado wine (Torres de casta), then free hierbas on the house (lethal for me, I start dancing on one only!) then Mr N dwecided we'd go to a local bar, where I had two of those huge and lovely wild berry ciders, can't see straight at the moment, foot hardly hurt at all I was in high heeled boots, but hierbas will kill any pain, back in bed now and things are looking fuzzy!!!

Hope you all have had a good day.. I want to live in Fakenham!!!
I mean chips not chops, oh tis getting difficult to type now.................
Last nights meal has caused me problems. I was fine during and after, but during the course of the day, have gone downhill with IBS and itches again!!! That'll teach me.

Come and live near Fakenham with me in a barn Neti. That'll cause great havoc!!!

I am off to bed too.

Oight, oight.
Hi all. Just called in to say oight oight. Still not done my ironing so I'm going to see if I can find a film to watch while I'm doing it.
I think I'd fall asleep if I sat eating for 4 hours Lottie. It sounded like a really good evening though!
Hope you haven't got a bad head in the morning Neti. You sound like you had a really good day and you don't want it spoiled do you :)
See yer later 'gater(s) Oight Oight again!
looks like another nice sunny day here by the Pacific. The only downside is that there is a dead rat lying on the road outside where I park the car and it has been there for days. Don'e they have cats and dogs around here to handle this stuff? Ugh.

Went round the supermarket this morning trying to find my cousin's wines in the drink section but it doesn't look as though it stocks them. I will have to look further afield, someone must have them.

Had a nice steak last night, one of those restaurants that bring them to your table on a sizzling stone and you let them cook as long as you want. Of course they're rare when I start eating and well done by the time I finish as there is no chill-out spot to put the pieces when they're done, but no matter, it tasted lovely, and it was Mums' Nite (no idea why) so it was all about half price. We are going to a barbie tonight.

I don't know why I don't live like this all the time, really. All I need is a small floating island I could pilot around the Pacific so it is always summer.
We had a lovely day today, spent money everywhere and I bought some curtain material in ikea with birds on. Sis goes back tues till Easter when she returns so quiet day tomorrow to pay her back for all the work she has done.
Oight oight all
Where? what? who? why?

No one here!!

Overcast and a tad chilly today, medico says I have cracked the surface of the bone not broken it (well I think that is what he said) and it will hurt if I walk far and it will swell but as I am going sightseeing, but have painkilelrs for it!

Still can't print of this damned silly ryanair boarding pass, grrr.

I am fine today no hangover!!

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