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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Coooeeeee wakey wakey, have we moved and not told me!!!
Hiya Neti I'm here. Not very happy but here. Went to hospital Wrong time right day. So I'm going again tomorrow at 11.00.
Then went into Sainsburys and my CR. Card was diclined on the Self service till. Got escorted to the Customer Service till where the goods were duly scanned again and my card was accepted. Got home and range Card Company who said there wasn't anything on their records for today and are going send me a new card. So we shall see next time I go in.!! Just had visitors for an hour so I'm having a late lunch.

Now I'm off to check if we've moved
Hello all. Took dogs out theis morning and it was freezing so rushed home and burrowed down in warm bed. Sis and I went out to lunch (gourmet fish finger sarnie for her, mozzarella and tomato pancetta for me, shared flowerpot of chips then she had raspberry trifle and I had the fudge cookie.
we went here

the food is excellent, all home cooked including the baking.
we have been pottering this afternoon and arranging the new bedroom.
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Good wateveritis...Hope you're all as ok as you can be. No, we haven't moved, while you've all been feasting & dreaming of holiday homes I've been enjoying the chilly but glorious weather before we're back to the snow on Wed... lovely sunset again tonight.

Oh shaney, how ever did you manage to sleep through that car/wall incident? The same thing happened a few doors down the road and the noise was like an explosion. He must have been going at some speed and had to be cut out of it. They don't do it as fast as they do on Casualty! (he was ok, they were being careful because of his back).

For the bargain hunters...note that it's M&S outlet and the extra 15% off (some lines) is only for them and not the main M&S site.
Evening all (bends kneees and doffs cap)

Well I am glad you have managed to turn up. Woofy one look at that full English brekkie has started me off, I will make myself one tomorrow.

I made a delicious beef stew with dumplings in the pressure cooker, so much better than the silly slow oh so slow cooker. But to be fair I should test the settings then would know more how to use it!

I have the front room tonight, warm and cosy cos Mr N had a sleepless night last night, so he is fed, bathed and in bed. I feel quite grown up sitting here!!!
BBQ went fine, the steaks were so tender even my teeth could cope - I've had chewier yogurts than that. And the host provided a little after dinner digestif of Drambuie on the rocks, except he thought it was a bit strong so he watered it down with whisky. Every time I emptied the glass it magically refilled when I blinked. He is a sailor and off to sea for a month today, where alcohol is banned (apparently they breathalyse you every time you come to a port these days) so he had one or two himself. I don't have a hangover, though the ibuprofen before bed may have helped.

A cloudy morning at the moment but if it burns off maybe I will go to the beach for a change.

Hope all is well in the Old World.
I just lost a long post I wrote to you all , so sod it!!! Will just say oight oight and catch up tomorrow. Am tired.
Me too Lottie oight oight all
Good morning all. Well we are a quiet lot lately. Hope you are all alright, where's shaney?

I am not amused, after spending 3hrs online on Saturday trying to buy hija's flight, they have now charged me for two, no idea if I can do anything about it, and Mr N will go mad. So difficult here.

Really enjoyed myself last night watching tv by the fire and Mr N had a good night's sleep, although he was watching tv for a while.

Have no idea what to pack for 3 days in Barça and no idea what shoes/boots I can wear that will be comfortable! Oh problems.

Catch you all later.
looks like only those living in hot climates are awake at the moment and I won't be for long. But I have just been watching D Attenborough in the Sahara - first time I have seen it in HD as we don't have one at home, and it looked brilliant.
Hello all. Just seen Sis off so quiet here. Dogs asleep (what else is new) I don't mind the quiet. Sis is back for easter.
Mr LL has hogged the computer for work purposes all morning and has just gone out. Now I have to go out, meeting a friend at 1.00pm. See you later x
Hello everyone, well almost. Been phoning Ryanair all morning and informing my bank to refund my money! Foot is killing me so am resting now.

Lottie, why don't you buy a laptop online as Mr LL doesn't mind you shopping??

Have been packing my little suitcase, with kettles, teabags, chargers everything except clothes! I hate Ryanair, just cannot trust them.
Neti, I can only get broadband in one room in our house at the moment - the glory hole. It was set up to be used in the office. To get it to the rest of the house requires a lot of hard work. Our walls are so thick that the signal can't get through at the moment. So a laptop won't be much good just yet. Master LL is working out a plan of action which requires wires to be dropped through the ceiling. I can only use the telephone in this glory hole too. If I use the other hands free phones they keep cutting me off.
When I do get a laptop my son will get it as he actually works as a network engineering manager and he is an expert electronics engineer as well. He has ways and means of getting me a cheap top quality laptop. He has built all the computers we have up and running at the moment. This computer is linked to his home so he keeps an eye on me.
I'm feeling groggy today. My back is really, really hurting. Am sitting here with a hot pack at the base of my spine and contemplating going to bed.
Hi All. Discharged from Hospital off to watch Derby play Bolton to celebrate!! :):) Will catch up tomorrow. Oight Oight see yer later 'gater(s)
Pain in back has eased off slightly, but am going to bed very shortly. Pain all day has worn me out.

The dress came and it is really lovely and fits a treat. Neti, it definitely wouldn't be good for a lady with big basooms!!
Well done jude, now be areful, do not rush about and fall over again:

Oh lottie, hija's room has thick walls and no wifi can get through we used my phone as a modem as I get unlimited internet on my tariff. Pity about the dress, nothing suits big bosoms!! poor lottie you do suffer.

Guess what sister has just phoned as I am in Chat mag this week with my piccy of Joey Branning! Fame at last. Must send in the one of me with Joe washburn of Toploader ·" dancing in the moonlight" fame.

Think I am all packed.

Hope shaney is alright.

Glad your pain has eased Lottie, be kind to yourself. Jude, that's excellent news. I am having a quiet day after putting Sis on the coach. We've have a lovely busy time while she's here. Usually we have lounging days as well but we have done such a lot. She is very energetic....I am an idle mare lol.

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