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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
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Morning all...cold, wet and dark here, it's been snowing over my sister's way which isn't so very far. We've got it coming later. :(

So sorry you're feeling lousy shaney, it's bloody depressing being in pain. Keep warm and rest, I hope you feel better soon. I'd love a top to toe scan just to see what's going on. I was talking to a friend a few days ago, she's been put on amitriptyline(sp) for pain, the one they keep mentioning to me, but she doesn't think it's working, maybe it needs a bit longer. It's my clogged/dripping sinuses, left side of neck and ear that's driving me barmy at the moment, it's very stiff and painful, I had a lousy night....what a lot we are.
Woofy I went to a pain management clinic, probably not the same though, and they were totally useless.

Note to self: Don't knit and watch tele at the same time. There was I, merrily clicking away and realised I'd made the front an inch longer than the back, d'oh. Should have asked Wallis' if they could sell it for me alongside their wonky sleeved jumpers. :)
Oooh so cold here can see one's breath, that's a first for this winter! Sat outside a cafe for 2 coffees but was a tad cold, hate sitting inside. Home now all warm and cosy and am wearing new warm scarf round neck. Mr N has trotted obediently to golf!
Hello folks
Not a bad day here .Very cold but dry ,watery sun .
Hope you are all ok in spite of any medical mysteries .
I feel a tad better but am so sick of being in constant pain and not able to do things without huge effort but the good news is ...
Mr S got fifty quids worth of M&S vouchers for renewing some insurance with Saga and he gave them to me .Then I had a letter with 25 quids worth of book tokens as a winner for a crossword from the Guardian so I'm a cheerful Shaney .
Mind you the 600mg + Paracetamol might have something to do with it :)
It's a bit of a purple haze .

I do that Robinia ....and end up going past where I should have decreased,increased . I have to make a note of where I am all the time .
A wristwarmer nearly came up to my elbow :)

Hi all. I'm back at last after an interesting week. My friend has really worked hard with walking and exercising his hip and yesterday we went to the hospital Physio and she said he had been doing very well because she didn't expect him to be as far with the exercises. You'd have laughed were both doing our physio together. Me - wrist / him - hip! He said if it hadn't been for me he wouldn't have done half of what he had done. Feather in me cap then!! Methinks!
Got on the right train coming home yesterday and arrived here at 5.30 Had to get ready to go out at 7.30 to a cousin's 70th birthday party and I eventually got to bed about midnight. I was shattered.
I have now got things sorted had my lunch and am now listening to Derby on the Radio.
I've managed to keep up with all you posts. I'm sorry you are not well Shaney. I hope you get something sorted out for the pain you're having. Lottie I hope you're feeling more cheerful than before.
And I hope the rest of you are feeling ok. Jno if you're keeping up to date with us hope your trip is going well.
I have one project I have to deal with. The fence down the side of my house has been damaged and needs replacing. It is panels and they have to be slid down into the posts so I think Steady will have to be called upon to do that part of the job. It is 6 panels in all but I think I may get away with replacing 3 of them so shouldn't be too expensive.
Right I'm off now (Derby match still 0-0) Laters 'gaters
Lol Jude imagination is working overtime :)
You wrist ..him hip ... were you doing the Hippy Hippy Shake ?
Stop it Shaney ...tut.
Glad he is going on alright though xx
Hi jude, glad you had a good time and your friend is doing so well. I am having an almost lazy day, scrubbed hijs'a stained carpet again and did a pile of washing as the rain stopped, although still very damp and washing is just hanging limply.
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evenin all...not a glimpse of sunshine here, the only thing hanging limply is me. I had to resort to ibuprofen too shaney but not 600mg (I don't take it often).
I managed to do some disaster free knitting while I watched the repeat of Mary Berry pt 1 which I enjoyed. pt 2 tomorrow.
Well done the pair of you Jude, will the dvd be available soon? It'll save everyone having to traipse off to fizzio. :)
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oops, had to check me dinner and I hit submit...
Well done to you too shaney on the tokens and vouchers! I haven't gained anything today, I just did a bit of click shopping...some Clarks shoes :)
Ouch my toes have just parted company crashing into the edge of a door, I am in agony and the pain is shooting up my leg, even the bedclothes are hurting me. Foot is on fire, damn, hope it wears off tomorrow as we are going out early!! :-(

( I cursed Mr N even though he was nowhere near it!)
LOL Robi and Shaney yes we had a laugh last week....exercising. Make of that what you was really funny :)

Oight Oight Biddyfriends I'm tired out. See you tomorrow...
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Good morning...happy Chinese new year! Well ok, I might not be Chinese but I'm prepared to respect all customs and it's any excuse to not do anything domestic really. :).
It's a dark, grey, wet day here, very miz. I think it'll be another knitting and viewing one, I still feel sinussy. I'd forgotten how good knitting is, it had been ages since I'd done anything, the lack of wool shops killed my interest... my sister's restarted too, we'll have to set up a stall.

oooh, neti, hope you're not hobbling today, I hate banging my feet, it's so painful. You'll have to wear jno's slippers to go out if it's swollen.

Hope everyone else is less achey too. KBO
Hello all
Another dreary day .Cold and drizzling .Hope everyone is OK and fairly well.
Nothing doing here really .Hope your foot isn't too sore today Neti .
I think it'll be a viewing and crossword day for me .
Knitting this evening too but getting fed up with socks and want something different to knit .I've got a big bag full of odd balls of wool .Perhaps I'll knit a multicoloured jumper :)
Take care all ..pip pip for now .
Lovely sunny day here, we went for a trip round the island, and then lunch in our favourite haunt but being as it is carnival in Ibiza town today everywhere is fully booked, but we got a table, just not my fav one by the log fire. I strapped the toes up with double sided very strong plaster bandage and it made walking bearable, not that I walked very far at all. When I took my sock off the bandage came off too which is fine. 2nd toe is very swollen and 4 toes and half the foot is now turning blue.

Have just had a hot bath and am now nestled in front of the fire in pj's, lovely.
Rained all day here. I walked to collect my paper then after breakfast tidied up and spent the rest of the day Crosswording and watching footie. I now have a load of pots to wash then that's it. I have no idea what's on telly of any interest so maybe I'll read my latest book recommended by my Schoolteacher Steadier. He tells me it is one of the best books he's read, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It's in my Kindle and I read mostly when I'm on the bus or train.
Tomorrow I have my follow-up after my Blood tests with the nurse at the Doctors. They said it was none-urgent in the letter so all sounds well.
I hope you are all feeling nice and cosy and comfortable. See yer later 'gater(s) Oight Oight.
Just a quickie to let you know the computer was struck down with multiple virus's but the computer doctor has attended this afternoon and made it better. Oight oight. I am very tired.
hello all, wet wet wet here and I don't mean that love is in the air. The damp is giving me screws in my iffy knee but sis and I had a lovely day, we went shopping, I spent all my M and S loyalty points on scarves and we had sarnie lunch in the car. Oght oight all, knits and knots, sleep well and wake up better.
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Morning all...another 0C degrees here in paradise. You're right Jude, it didn't stop raining all day yesterday and we had a covering of snow overnight. It's very wet and looks a bit slippery.

Call the midwife was so sad again last night...are there any happy ones due, I don't think there's been any jolliness since Chummy left?
Do any of you happen to know which delivery service Clarks use? Apparently my order was despatched last night and if I knew who was delivering I'd have a better idea of arrival time, they're pretty consistent around this area.
Morning all. Can't help with delivery man Robi - sorry. Even though I'm only round the corner.
Just ready to go to see the nurse this morning and had a phone call from them saying she hadn't got to work so I swent for a walk to the shops and walked a long way home (1 hour) so I'm now back home for the day again.
The snow is thawing now. My car which was covered earlier is now almost clear. It wasn't too slippy when I was out but I took it really steadily. Called at Thorntons on the way back for some choc. to help the day go.
Laters 'gaters. Have a good day all.
Swent - a verb meaning a walk in the snow!!
Morning all, my toe is so fat and swollen anf blue but am managing to hobble. Hija has been for an interview in barça, says there were at least 50 others there, so she is disheartened, another one tomorrow and if no luck then back to mum and dad at the weekend!

Cold, damp but sunny, am off for a 70th birthday lunch (Chinese restaurant). Went to get date for blood tsts and not until 25th Feb, this is ridiculous, usually it's the next day! mind you gives me time to eat healthier!

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