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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Mr N popped home with a load of logs for the fire as it is really cold atm. So now have a roaring log fire blazing away and soon the whole villa will be warmish, makes such a difference. I think he was fed up with buying gas bottles! Went for a little walk today, just had too, the wind was blowing and the sea was rolling and crashing, so beautiful, then met friend for coffee, we sat outside, Mad dogs and Englishmen etc! Toe starting to hurt a bit again now. I love this weather.
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What a lovely day it's much to do, so little energy.
I think I need another cup of's what I usually make too woofy when Tarquin comes, he likes coffee, I like tea :)

I love this advert, haha

Hello all
It's not been very lovely here ,cold and grey .Perhaps you can waft it my way Robinia .
Not much doing .I lead such an exciting life .The highlights of my day are:- Finishing the sleeve of my jumper while watching catch up TV .
(OCD cleaners . How can people live like that ..Yuk )
A delivery of goodies from the German Deli .
Off to see Anna Karenina this evening and drool over Jude Law.
Hope you are all OK .Pip Pip for now .
hello all. Not sure why but not a great day today. Oh well bring on tomorrow.
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oooh, Jude Law, he's luvverly shaney. The sunshine was a one day only offer, back to dull tomorrow. :( I think I might become a knitting addict, I've almost finished these two little jackets and I'm already lining up some more patterns and wool. :)
I've been watching the OCD cleaners. I don't know how anyone lives like that and I don't deny those houses are grim but I think they're added to to make it look even worse, that cat poo didn't look real to me.

I think it'll be an early night tonight...ha! that's what I thought last night.
First there was a big spider by the loo door which took some catching.
Came back down to evict it & gather up my night time stuff...put wheat pack in microwave for 90 secs, pootled about tidying up, locking up etc... came back, wondered what the smell was...agghh! nothing in micro, hot pack sitting on the stool! Spent half an hour cooling it down, terrified it might suddenly go up in flames... decided to put an ice pack inside to speed up cooling. Finally went to bed.
About half past midnight! I suddenly got it into my head (idiot!) that I'd left the freezer door open...came down...I hadn't. Listened to the 1am news....
Sleep well folks! :)
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Chin up, it's a new month tomorrow woofy!
thanks Robi.....
Oh Robi, what a to do. It's what I do!

Lovely and cosy with a log fire and hija made dinner, very nice, we had salad, spicy meatballs, thai noodles and a spanish tortilla, follwed bu the last of the ice cream cake, and she washed it all up and cleaned the kitchen!!

Oh cheer up woofy!
Did I tell you about when I got my new combi microwave? I thought I'd start easy with a portion of oven chips. Put them in, set it going, was careful to put them on for shorter than with the old microwave. pottering around in the kitchen i start to smell burning.....pull out chips that ar actually on fire!!!! real flames and everything!!!!
I did the wet tea towel thing and let the microwave cool, then cleaned it carefully. Ended up with not a mark on ti and it works fine.
I will neti :-)
Oh lawdy, March already tomorrow. Where has the time gone, wasn't long ago that it was xmas!

Will say oight oight as am watching telly then will go to sleep.

Special x for woofy!!
oight oight my good friends
What a lovely film ...well, not when she jumps in front of the train ..but you know what I mean :) Lovely costumes and Count Vronsky was very dishy.
Jude Law was even dishier ...Nothing like the the one with Vivien Leigh ,a totally different take on it although of course the story is the same .Kiera Knightley was brilliant.
There was a chap sat in front of us and he turned round to me and said ..could I see alright ...and I said I can see fine,thank you .He said to me ...You look fit ,are you going round with the choc ices later ? Cheeky B.
My Sil rolled up laughing .I wouldn't have minded but he was at least 70 if he was a day .Haha.
Hope you have all had a nice evening .Cheer up Woofy ( sending you a cyber box of chocs ) ..spring is round the corner ,hopefully. We need some sunshine and warm weather to cheer us all up.
Oight Oight Biddybabes ..sleep toight .
Good morning all, the cyber hugs and chocolate must have worked because I feel more normal today, thank you. We went out in the cold and got snowed on and I now have hot tea. Dogs have gone back to sleep and i will be as well soon. We are going out later to a local craft shop just for fun. The dogs don't go int the shop, they sleep in the car and get given biscuits.
Good morning all, glad you are perking up woofy.

Yet another bl**dy fiesta here today, it's a relatively new one, Balearic Day!!! so not much open! Saves money I suppose.

My zumba class has closed, through lack of support, I haven't been due to the bronchitis and now the toe so am so sad, I really enjoyed it, but at 10€ a class it was expensive.

Waking up to wet ground but the sun is shining.

That film sounds lovely shaney, oh get you picking up men, and hang on, 70 isn't so old anymore, quite appealing really. I was an ice cream girl in the 60's (one of my 2nd jobs).

When we were in Barça, we were on a normal bus to Parc Guell and there were only seats for the old, infirm and pregnant so I sat in one, then an old woman got on and poked me and said it wasn't for me, (I was wearing a hoodie) so I told her I was 68 with a broken toe, almost said I was pregnant, and she backed off! Cheek!! Age has it's benefits!!
Moring all
Cold and grey here .They say we may get some sunshine bit I'm not holding my breath. Glad to see you feel perkier today Woofy and hope all other Biddys are OK'ish.
This is it Neti ,the older you get ,the older the men get who try to chat you up :)
You get dirty looks here if you sit at the front of the bus in the disabled seats
People assume because you look alright you must be fit and well.
Must shift myself as my brother is taking me Morrisons later .When ,I don't know but had better be ready .
Pip pip for now good .

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Morning all...white wabbits. Yes, two months gone already, another 4 weeks and we'll be a quarter way thorough the year! ...see, some of my schooling wasn't wasted. Back to dull and dreary weather here. You were snowed on woofy?! Oh no, is that stuff still drifting around?

oooh shaney, you pulled, haha... just watch it when you're bending over the freezers to reach your fish fingers, you never know who might be watching you, ya minx ;o).

lol @ neti the hoodie...sorry about the zumba clases... "lack of support"? ...or was it lack of supportS?
Robi I was the only "bouncing" one and I had bought new exercise bras from Tesco (yes I know, recession and all that!!) and Mr N bought me all new zumba gear for Xmas, sadly now never to be worn! How am I gonna lose weight now?

I have to smirk shaney, I get chatted up by youngsters who are mid-50's, but even that hasn't happened in a while!

Just having a disagreement with a newcomer to the islands about this fiesta, she says it started in 1983 and we know it didn't so out came all the diaries from 1977 and lo and behold there it is in blk and wte that it started in 1999, so I googled it and in Spanish it says it came into being in 1999, I am right!! Love it! Bl**dy upstarts!!!
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Start your own classes neti! might need to keep your hood up neti
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hmm, thinking about it it might commemorate something that happened in 1983 but the fiestas didn't start until 1999? So you could both be right.

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