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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Yes she maybe right BUT no one here knew of the fiesta until 1999, talk about mañana!!!! and it wasn't celebrated until 1999, so there!!
Did any of you watch Penguin - Spy in the huddle? It was so lovely and I like progs where no one dies or starves!!!
Still waiting for my brother .
I watched that Neti .It was lovely .They're so comical .Amazing how they go off to get food and find their mates again amongst all the others .
Yes shaney they were so sweet, and so clever. It is amazing how they found their own chicks again, I want one!!
My bro has just phoned so am off to apply some lippy and a squirt of Soir de Paree in case I get accosted near the Deli counter :)
Well girl if you get accosted again, get his phone number xx
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...and ask him if he's got a brother!...preferably in the E Mids :)
and if he wants a spanish penpal (I have to remember that I an not single!)
Well I'm terribly sorry girls there was nothing worth getting accosted by over there this afternoon .Total waste of lippy:)
We called into a little garden centre in Lound on the way back for a cuppa and they've got a lot of livestock ,chickens ,ponies and three dear little goats. Last time we were there they were tiny but they've grown a bit now . So sweet ,they were jumping about and come up to the fence and let you pet them .

Shaney, you are out and about a bit lately, I am distinctly jealous.

Made a very nice beef curry and veg curry, and we all say round the blazing log fire, lovely it was.

It is everso windy and it frightens me! I was washing up and then was a horrendous noise outside the back, I honestly thought it was armagedon, we peeked out and it was an old wheelybin (without wheels) that I had round the side of the house, it had gone rolling around the back yard, (made me think of shaney's disappearing wheelie bin) I've left it where it is for now and the rain is pelting down, not a night for going out so we are not (we weren't anyway!)
Hello all, me and the boys went out today and i spent too much at the craft shop. Came home and made sweet potato and lime soup for tea. Dead easy, peel and chop up the sweet potato, sweat in a little oil then add boiling water and veggie stock cube. Simmer till done (tennish minutes) then liquidise, add juice of a lime just before serving. I had a couple of king prawns in the fridge left from last night so I chopped those up and added them too. It was delicious.
That sounds nice woofy, will suggest it to Mr N!
I only went down the library for a film and shopping round Morrisons .It's the furthest I've been for ages !
I'm tired now .Was watching that Martha and Mary thing but it was too upsetting so switched off .
Hope the windy weather calms down for you Neti .I can't sleep well when it's blowing a gale .
Oight Oight ,sleep toight.
Oh you snuck in there Woofy ..sounds tasty .
We had a prawn and avocado salad. Enough for me but doesn't fill Mr S up .
He's picking round the fridge now .
Oight Oight again .
I just saw the end of it. The end was very "worthy" I videoed it but will probably give it a miss. A good day today. Oight oight all.
Hello all, Neti I hope your wind has subsided. I don't mind it but the boys aren't keen. Its cold here today and knee iffy so we didn't go out this morning. Sad for the boys but If I really trash it, then it will be weeks of rest and I don't know how I'd manage walking them then. One of the neighbouring gardens have got builders in so they have just enjoyed a good old bark at the fence.

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A'noon folks..
I'd love another little dog woofy but there are too many ifs and buts when you and live alone and don't fire on all cylinders.

I wasn't in the mood for Martha and Mary so I went to bed early...without any incidents along the way.

It's a glorious day here, expecting to hear the merry whirr of diy and garden tools any time now. I might go outside shortly and seeing as you didn't find me a fella shaney it looks like I'll be doing my own snipping. Have you cut your mopheads off yet? ...I'm not talking vileda here neti.
First of all, I have suspended my FB account, was getting fed up with all the tragic and bloody appeals, also getting unwanted messages, so will return another day.

Absolutely wonderful day here, warm and sunny and calm, but last night was awful, several trees crashed to earth crushing cars but luckily no one in them. I am always worried that the tall aerial on the flats at the back will crash onto the villa, it's about 30ft tall, held by guy ropes, but they look a tad loose to me. Did the weekly shop in the new popular and cheap supermarket, it was heaving, Mr N had to drop us off and go searching for a parking place. It certainly shows the rip-off places how we all feel! then we had brekkie, toasted barra with oil and tomato squashed on and garlic, typical ibiza and we love it. Then I unpacked and hija and I went to village for a coffee, she is now sunbathing (yes I know!) Just made a chilli con carne, cos for some reason I hate cooking on a Saturday so simple is best!
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ha, snap neti...when it was a family here I never cooked on a Saturday was chip shop day until the boys grew up and started going out all day. Then it was a big salad with jacket spuds or cheesy mash etc at tea time (well, that's not really cooking is it?)

Windy weather scares me more than thunder and lightning.
It's not sunny here ..pee po .
Cold and grey .I won't be snipping any mopheads until it's at least 30c in the shade and that'll probably be when Nelson gets his eye back .
But I hope you are all OK .
I would love another dog too :(

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