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Spanking Your Children

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spathiphyllum | 15:02 Wed 27th Mar 2019 | Society & Culture
334 Answers
For, against, or it's no one elses business what you do behind closed doors?

I don't see the issue with striking the bottom of your own infant. There is a difference between spanking a child, and then child abuse.


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Gness, yes i agree, but one thing i mentioned is it's not only the parents raising childs in this day and age, it's TV, social media, youtube etc.. I know people who give their 4 / 5 year olds tablets then they go in a strop if you take it away from them.
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Maybe that's it.. Kids in a stop, give them some technology to zone into. In my day we didn't have that, nothing to distract us from our temper, so the idea of a hand across the bottom would suffice. Obviously only if you knew the thread would be honoured.
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Boo It sounds like you had a child like me, which explains why you're so patient. Seems a lot of people are lucky to have such obedient children. I was a wild card i tell you.
No ,they weren't/ arn't wild children. Dunno whether you were though or not ;-)

They were however typical toddlers who pushed the boundaries, which I accept is what children do.
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I felt i was wild, but i never caused that much nuisance. Just tantrums and running off here and there, never too far though but enough for on the very odd occasion (As i said before, i can only remember having my bottom spanked once) to be spanked or my wrist slapped.. Tapped more like.
Spanking is a funny word . I immediately think of scantily clad girls bending over and being 'spanked' by an older man.
A light tap on the hand used to be enough for my five kids. That would probably have been when they were putting themselves in a dangerous predicament. Like just about to stick a knitting needle in a plug socket or running out into busy traffic. No time in either situation to sit them down in order to lecture them on the dangers of the situation.
Kid does something you dont approve of... smack them...

Kid then learns that when friend does something they dont approve of they can hit...

You hit the kid for hitting others..... and so it continues xxx
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"A light tap on the hand used to be enough for my five kids."

It is that, which i'm talking about. Not beating children or smacking them across the fact. The tapped wrists or bottoms in certain situations
Boo was it your intention to inflict pain or what?
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it was boos intention to successfully control the child
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sorry actually that's not my place to say anything.
spath I am trying to understand the mechanism
You mean did I break their legs? no ;-)

In all seriousness, yes, probably ,a short sharp pain that served as a reminder not to do it again.
Spath, you seem to be mixing up control and domination with education and discipline. They are not the same things.
I'd like to know as well because to me most people who smack kids do so for one of three reasons.

1. Because they losete plot and are angry themselves and lash out (which I don't think Boo is)

2. Because they know that pain will be a sufficient negative reinforcement for the kid not to duplicate the behaviour.

3. Because a child who is afraid of being hit is more likely to be compliant across the board so in theory would be better behaved.

sorry you weren't there when I posted Boo x
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I understand that but i do feel a parent should have dominance over their children. And i do feel a child should never have dominance over a parent. dominance in the sense of power and influence which helps control the child.
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no.3 for me Calico which is why children were much well behaved and presented back in the day at school where if they stepped out of line a cane they would get. Now kids sit on their phones mocking teachers having competitions with other classes on who can get their science teacher to cry first.
Personally, spath, I would replace those words with "respect". Which you are only ever going to lose by losing your temper. You need to behave (easier said than done, I know...) in the way you want your children to.
16:43... society is less violent now, than it was then, so that just doesn't follow. Remember that all those you would criticise today, have been brought up by "yesterday's" parents. If they were so effective.... Why have they managed to produce a generation of supposedly violent and disrespectful individuals?

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