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Spanking Your Children

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spathiphyllum | 15:02 Wed 27th Mar 2019 | Society & Culture
334 Answers
For, against, or it's no one elses business what you do behind closed doors?

I don't see the issue with striking the bottom of your own infant. There is a difference between spanking a child, and then child abuse.


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I think it is more of a principle
Children learn most by example. They absorb it like sponges. Do you really think that reacting with violence is ever going to teach a child anything valuable?
Lost your shovel?
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"Children learn most by example. They absorb it like sponges. Do you really think that reacting with violence is ever going to teach a child anything valuable?"

No, but i don't think that violence should be used in all situation. But if a situation arose where it kind of did.. (tambo gave a good example) getting arrested for that would be OTT IMO.
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Some kids go through hell, are genuinely beaten daily, suppressed into their rooms.. i mean even tinks gave a half way example.. I need to stress i'm referring to a bend over the knee pat on the bottom with an open hand like the video i provided (which was overlooked because it's a cartoon, but if you understood my point you'd 100% understand why i used that vid as an example) Homer notoriously strangles bart, but for that gentle pat on the bottom, he went mental and got very angry.
I understand you aren't referring to beatings... just wondering why you would teach a child that violence is an acceptable reaction in any situation? Self-defence, or defence of someone else, maybe... but that's all I can think of.
but how do you identify the difference between a slap and a beating?
I opened hand wacked across your bottom will hurt and can be classed as a beating
100% agree Pixie
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The child can either, take away the lesson that doing wrong will result in being punished, or they will take away the lesson they can hit things. I personally think the first lesson (doing wrong, or what mummy doesn't want you to do) will result in a spanked bottom will overlook the second, because a kid knows he's not allowed to hit other kids, so in doing so, he will be punished by a spank from mummy.

People are saying spanking leads to mental illnesses but also saying it leads to a violent child? (not you pixie i know) but it has to do with the lesson the kid learns. What he will learn, is to not wind up mummy.
Don't try to blame me for the way this thread has veered Spath, I said I thought it wasn't okay for a parent to hit a child at any age but that once that child is an adult spanking is downright kinky and bloody weird so don't you dare call me odd, you're the one with the crazy ideas about what is and isn't okay between relatives.
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"between a slap and a beating? "

What a silly question. A beating is forceful and ongoing. A slap is an open handed strike
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I'll dare do what i wish lol
3 slaps across the backside - does that count as a beating?
Thanks ummm x spath, there just isn't anything rational about being hit, in order to learn anything. Humans have evolved physically weaker and weaker, while developing much more sophisticated language skills. Why would that be?
//I'll dare do what i wish lol //
Why is that? - Is it because you are 'protected'?
Carry on you have just confirmed a long held suspicion of mine, and a few other people I imagine too.
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"Why would that be?"

Because the pen is mightier than the sword?

RR please what are you bringing to this thread apart from juvenile antagonisation and hostility
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"Carry on"

Oh "don't you dare"
Spath - every time mate you accuse me of this it is laughable - you do this when I ask you a question you cannot answer.

Tell me where I have been //juvenile antagonisation and hostility //
I have asked you loads of questions very few that you have actually answered with any form of sense!
My take on this was never to spank or give a good slap to children and it's how I handled mine. If they did wrong, I would say if you are naughty you will give me your hand and I will smack it...don't do it again! The look from them was enough, but obviously children don't always do what you want and yes I smacked the back of their hand when they deserved it. I think that's fair enough, they are grown up and know right from wrong, brought their children up the same way... I think spanking hard is violence and should never be used on children or in fact anyone!

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