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Catholic Cardinal Says Jesus Not Coming Back?

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goodlife | 16:39 Tue 29th Apr 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
125 Answers
Jesus Christ said: “A good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart.” And: “Where your treasure is, there your hearts will be also.” (Luke 6:45)

Yes these guy is sure in for a shock. I guess they thinks, they he knows better than Bible.

Jesus also said........When you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors. Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.Matthew 24:33-35.


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gl, have you actually read any book other than the JW version of the bible ?
If not I'm sure that ABers would club together to buy you one,
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You know the Bible’s Author, Jehovah God has preserved his word through centuries of virulent opposition from its enemies, both religious and secular.

So that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. (1 Timothy 2:4)

It is estimated that about 80 percent of earth’s inhabitants can be reached by the use of 600 languages. The text of the entire Bible is available in 115 languages, and parts of the Scriptures can be read in a further 1,860 languages and dialects.

About 130 requests for a Bible studies per day.

Yes Jehovah wants his people to read his Word,and he blesses his servants who give attention to his Word. Psalm 1:1, 2.

So I think I have all the help I need,thanks.
gl/So I think I have all the help I need,thanks. /
Thereby proving that you do need help.
Most people that can read have read more than 1 book.
Can you wonder at some opposition? We have had well over 100 JW visits and there is no coordination between them, so whatever transpired in one is unknown to the next caller. We will not leave them standing on the doorstep so eventually had to write to get visits stopped altogether.
goodliffe // The Bible is unique. God does things differently from man. And it is not his will that human wisdom should open up his prophetic Word. //

That's interesting ! You say God doesn't want us to know .

That explains why you say we are not to know his words and apparently we are not to know the identity of those who spoke those words.
Maybe that is why there is no contemporary evidence that Jesus Christ actually existed. Apart from the bible there no Roman nor Jewish records. Nothing from Herod , Pilate nor any historians like Pliny alive during JCs supposed ministry.

In that case there is no point in reading the bible at all. Pity really, as well as strange , that God ( Should I even be saying that word ? ) doesn't want us to know.
Seems like God and His follows are not much good at teaching at all. We are told that He doesn't want us to understand and we should simply accept whatever it is as faith.

Leaves a lot of room for manipulators to inset their own agenda which is of course the whole point of religion.
Right in one Beso. There has been a number of controlled tests carried out in the world to see if prayer has any value . It hasn't ! Many of the tests were carried out on people who were to undergo major heart surgery. They were in three groups . One group were not told they were being monitored at all. The other two groups were told only some of them would be prayed for but not which. The medical staff were not involved at all and only the anonymous results were given to the universities conducting the research .

In all cases covering the operations, the immediate and long term results over a 5 year period were indistinguishable. Two of the hospitals in the US
who had been founded by religious orders were particularly upset by these results .

Question Author
Yes it is a Pity, but it obviously is would implies having the right mental attitude when we approach the study of God’s Word.

You cannot be filled with the spirit if the world, which is greedy, lustful, materialistic, critical, captious, superficial and irreverent, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects,  envy, drunkenness, and expect to understand the Bible.

The Bible assures us that no such ones at all will understand. Only by approaching God’s Word in the spirit of humility and reverence, seriously, with open mind and a consciousness of our spiritual need can we hope to understand and appreciate it.—Dan. 12:10; Matt. 5:3, Simple.
So why bother to preach to the converted then gl? Anyway you haven't said what other books you have read so I can't believe you really understand the only one you claim to have read.
goodlife - "... And yes,I could go on but what's the point? It will fall on your deaf ears and be instantly rejected since it does not conform to your myopic, blinkered, because that all you got is the world-view. (2 Thess. 2:9-11)..."

Very funny. Not.

Why don't you just say that you consider me to be evil and have done with it? It would be much more honest than covertly and tangentially and falsely attributing my quote to a passage in the bible that deals with "Satan's" lies and deceptions.

You've scraped the bottom of the barrel with that post Goodlife. More proof (if any were needed) that the God-fearing people of this world are more than happy to malign and insult those who disagree with their blinkered, myopic world-view.

goodlife - "... You know you are very poor lot, you have the Bible the same as me ,and you do not understand..."

We (Atheists) actually understand it (the bible) far more than you can imagine my friend. It is precisely because we understand it that we reject its "teachings". Once you recognise the absurdities, the contradictions, the barbarity, the misogyny, the racism, the cruelty and the abject self-loathing that the bible "teaches", you'll understand why we reject it.

You too have the capability and capacity to reject its "teachings". I assume that you think the Quran is not the literal word of God as all Muslims are taught to believe? If so, you'll be sceptical of the Quaran's claim that Mohammed was the one true Prophet of God upon whom the last and final revelation was bestowed. You will be able to see and understand the exact same thing that we Atheists see: that the Quaran is a fiction - a wilful deception perpetrated by individuals who wish to pursue their own agendas, ostensibly for power and control. You and I can both see that Islam is a sham. It is a false and illegitimate belief. That is obvious to all those of us who have eyes and who haven't been indoctrinated into its cult. You can see it as clearly as you can see the sun on a cloudless day. And yet even though you can see it, you cannot cast that very same critical eye upon your own beliefs: you are wilfully blind to you own faith's failings and lies.

That is the reason why you will always be defensive about your beliefs and why you resort to insults when they are questioned (as per your previous post to me personally). But you already have the wherewithal to unshackle yourself from fear and subjugation: your intelligence. Use it. Look critically at you own religious teachings with the same intellectual rigour that you look at other religious texts.

You know you want to. Have the courage to do so.
Does anyone else find it interesting that it is those most eager to condemn others with having succumbed to the devil's deceitful treachery, those most reluctant to question the provenance of God's alleged word, who are the last to consider the possibility that it is they themselves who have latched a bit to firmly upon the poisoned end of the spear?
Yep. I often think that. Albeit in less wonderful verbiage. What I really think is unprintable.
goodlife // Only by approaching God’s Word in the spirit of humility and reverence, seriously, with open mind and a consciousness of our spiritual need can we hope to understand and appreciate it. //

Of course. One must be humble to ensure that one's own intelligence does not come into play. Open minded so that no critical thinking would expose its hypocrisy and cause one to hesitate before blind acceptance.

The book must be revered before you start reading or it would be obviously unworthy of reverence.

One also must have a deep spiritual need that desperately need to be filled. Religion starts on developing this need very early by telling us that we are born as worthless sinners. Those who have been brought up in loving environments have their spiritual needs already fulfilled and make poor subjects to be exploited by the religious oligarchy.
goodlife // critical, captious, ...... jealousy, fits of anger, //

These are characteristics of your god as thoroughly documented by your Bible.
goodlife //Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away//

So Heaven and Earth will pass away. What happened to the promise of everlasting life?
Do religious people have the inside track on God and his workings ? I don't think so they know no more than the rest of us so everyone s opinion is valid
See how easily the Bible succumbs to the most basic logic? The only people who are impressed by it have already turned off their brain.
No. Opinions on the Bible are not all equal. Those of the believers are demonstrably irrational and therefore objectively inferior.
goodlife //The Bible claims to be not just a book about God but also a book from God. //
Who is this God ? We cant see him , hear him , touch him, smell him, taste him , ! That's all the senses used up . In their total absence logic dictates he doesn't exist . So how can you say the bible is from him ?
If we ignore logic and try it in reverse by praying to him, there has never been any testable proof to show he has ever answered something that could have happened anyway. That is despite the billions of prayers offered daily.

I have asked you this before " just prove to me that any human being has ever re/grown a missing limb through the power of prayer " . ( just a little finger will do ) It should be so simple for an omnipotent god. It could be done in a flash.

PS I'm still waiting for you to tell me who the writers of the Gospels were !

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