I said specifically that I had two examples for you, Khandro - suras 8 and 9. Hadn't you noticed that remark?
Sura 8 - titled Booty in my translation (presumably "revealed" at Medina in anticipation of the return to Mecca):
"...Booty belongs to God and His Messenger...Remember when God promised that one of the two caravans shall be yours whereas you had wanted the unarmed one..." (Not relevant that bit - just chucked it in)
"Remember when God revealed to the angels '...I shall strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. So strike above the necks, and strike their every finger!' For they defied God and His Messenger, God is severe in retribution. Here it is: so taste it! For the unbelievers the torment of the Fire!"
Further down:
"O believers, obey God and His Messenger... The worst of beasts in God's sight are surely the deaf and dumb, those that do not understand. Had God known any good of them He would have made them hear; and had He made them hear they would still turn away, heedless".
"The unbelievers shall be herded into hell...He shall heap the depraved one upon the other... and deliver that pile into hell".
Sura 9 titled Repentance (which mentions a compact with polytheists presumably also at Medina):
"God is quit of polytheists, as is His Messenger...And announce to the unbelievers a torment most painful".
"Once the sacred months are shorm, kill the polytheists wherever you find the, arrest them, imprison them besiege them and lie in wait for them at every site of ambush".
"Fight those who do not believe in God or the ast Day, who do not hold illicit what God and His Messenger hold illicit, and who do not follow the religion of truth from among those given the Book, until they offer up the tribute, by hand, in humble mien".
There is a particular tone to all this stuff, isn't there? I wonder how the man who hums to Verdi, but thinks to Wagner reacts to it. I know how I do.