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Man-Rule Or God-Rule?

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goodlife | 18:50 Tue 07th Apr 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
164 Answers
Today all earthly governments are facing destruction even at their own hands by highly developed scientific means of warfare. Well-informed commentators on world affairs are themselves warning all of us of the threatening eventuality.


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Goodlife, //Over the centuries all kinds of ideas have been popularly accepted, only to be proved wrong later. //

Yes, I see what you mean. Like the Jehovah's Witnesses umpteen attempts to predict the date of the end of the world.

If you were a discerning man rather than a cherry picker you would have the ability to recognise the obvious flaw in the story of the flood - but you don't. For the discerning, the reality is clear - it's there in black and white - no question of it - but you prefer to ignore it. I don't follow the crowd - but you do.
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Discernment , is “the power or faculty of the mind by which it distinguishes one thing from another” there is no cherry picking, and no flaw in the flood.
This is where you and I differ, I look at the Bible as a whole and not just pick out the bits that suit. God did not regret creating man, but rather that they chose to follow a rebellious course and thereby bringing upon themselves sin & death.

I don't follow the crowd, if I did, I would be like you following the ways of the world and its prejudices, etc.
//I look at the Bible as a whole and not just pick out the bits that suit//

//You point to all the irrelevant parts//
scorpiojo, Goodlife doesn't recognise contradictions - not even his own.

Goodlife, //God did not regret creating man//

This from your version of the bible.

//Jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened// Gen. 6:6

I think you can take it as 'gospel' that God regretted creating man. Your bible says so quite clearly - or is that one of the irrelevant bits?
naom 24 to me your word seemed very shortsighted. And therefore I presume that you do not believe there is the creator so so this makes him insignificant to you.. But for me he is the creator and omniscient for I believe he created all things and if he can create all things which is perfect in the beginning. You must remember that in the days of noah searching the Angels left their proper place in the heavens to visit earth and had relationships with women on earth
2 noah was a man of integrity and he believed in the true God.. You seem to forget this happened all be close of one angel being selfish and wants every man to serve him.. And he thinking too much to himself and wanted to be worshiped.. So this angel was stealing something which did not belong to him (humans) so he had every righteous to destroy mankind did not believe in him... as god the creator.. we are his processions and we belong to him and not to Satan.
locusts, No, I don't believe that your god was the creator, but I'm not short-sighted. I've read your book and it confirms that he was not omniscient. You, like Goodlife, choose to ignore that which doesn't suit you.
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Do you like that one naomi, what can you today learn from this case of Adam and Eve,
Jehovah showed love and consideration for those who, while related to the guilty ones, were not blameworthy in the case. He showed mercy toward Adam and Eve’s descendants.
In Cain’s case, Jehovah foresaw the danger Cain was in and kindly reasoned with him, trying to forestall the committing of sin. Even after banishing him, Jehovah was considerate of Cain. Further, Jehovah executed judgment on the pre-Flood generation only after showing much patient endurance.

So the face of obstinate wickedness, Jehovah “felt hurt at his heart.” He regretted that men rebelled against his righteous rule and that he was obliged to judge them unfavorably. (Genesis 6:6.)
In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jehovah acted only after verifying the facts.

What excellent examples for you. who can't distinguishes one thing from another poor you.
where do I go for the verification - to the Tower of Babel aka the Watchtower?
//Jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened// Gen. 6:6

If he was for real, he should have closed the project down then and there....bloody ijiut.
goodlife, seeing as you are in an explanatory mood, please tell me why the 1984 edition of your bible was revised in 2013? were the texts no longer to your liking?
vulcan, the JWs have changed the Bible to make it fit their aberrant theology several times - it's like cheating at school in interpreting Shakespeare.
Goodlife, //what can you today learn from this case of Adam and Eve,//

Further confirmation that God wasn't omniscient. Poor choice on your part, Goodlife. Another story illustrating god's failings. Omniscience wasn't his strong point. Again from your bible.

//…and the man* and his wife went into hiding from the face of Jehovah God in between the trees of the garden. And Jehovah God kept calling to the man and saying to him: “Where are you?”//

Oops. Why search when, being omniscient, god really ought to have known where Adam and Eve were hiding?

As for Cain … poor old Cain. As a gardener all he had to offer God was the best of his crop, but since God prefers barbeque that fell far short of Abel's offering of meat. OK, Cain shouldn't have murdered his brother, I'll grant you that, but god made Cain human and therefore the responsibility is god's. Had god possessed rather more grace and rather better manners things might have turned out very differently. What an ungrateful god he was. Rude I'd call it!.

//In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jehovah acted only after verifying the facts.//

Which were that in order to protect his guests from a salacious mob Lot offered his virgin daughters in their place and god judged him a righteous man.

What strange principles you have, Goodlife.
If God's creations were perfect then how come the angel went bad? Adam and Eve must have been a botch-up too, seeing their son killed his brother.

Here's something that you won't be able to convincingly argue with, goodlife.
I predict that the Sungod will wreck havoc upon the naughty earthlings in 5 billion years and show his fury by engulving Earth with a huge fireball, destroying all that lives upon that planet.
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Valcan Clearly, the counsel Jesus provided is as practical today as it was when it was given nearly 2,000 years ago. Is that not evidence of wisdom from above? Even the best advice from human counselors tends to become outdated and is soon revised or replaced. The teachings of Jesus, however, have stood the test of time. But that should not surprise us,only cherry picker.
Goodlife, tut! All my effort ignored again. Still I expect they’re bits you think are irrelevant too. Never mind …. on to the alleged wisdom from above and the dubious benefit Jesus brought to the world.

//Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth; I came to put, not peace, but a sword. For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law. Indeed, a man’s enemies will be persons of his own household. // Matt 10:34-36

Sadly, he was right. So much for love.
Still waiting Goodlife...... my question on page is as yet unanswered AGAIN!
naomi; I'm not a scholar of the bible, but I think your quote perhaps makes a different sense if you place it within the chapter as a whole. Though I confess I don't understand it all. e.g. "He that findeth his life shall loose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."
Any suggestions?
Naomi - "Goodlife, tut! All my effort ignored again"
You posted something aimed at Goodlife at 23.17 last night and because he hasnt responded during the night by 8 am this morning you are tutting!
Khandro, I can post the rest, but it makes no difference to the sentiment which is why I didn’t bother in the first place. (I am using the New World Translation – the JW’s version of the bible).

//He that has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and he that has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not accept his torture stake and follow after me is not worthy of me. He that finds his soul* will lose it, and he that loses his soul for my sake will find it. “He that receives YOU receives me also, and he that receives me receives him also that sent me forth. He that receives a prophet because he is a prophet will get a prophet’s reward and he that receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will get a righteous man’s reward. And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water to drink because he is a disciple, I tell YOU truly, he will by no means lose his reward.//

Grasscarp, Goodlife posted at 07:49 this morning – hence my ‘tut’ to him at 08:09 for ignoring my post. A 'sorry - my mistake' from you would be nice - but I don't expect it to be forthcoming.

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