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Man-Rule Or God-Rule?

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goodlife | 18:50 Tue 07th Apr 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
164 Answers
Today all earthly governments are facing destruction even at their own hands by highly developed scientific means of warfare. Well-informed commentators on world affairs are themselves warning all of us of the threatening eventuality.


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How dare Goodlife post at 7.49 and not have first responded to you first! I made no mistake - I was asking you to give him time.
How kind you are, Grasscarp - although I'm not sure Goodlife will appreciate your consideration. He’s not usually interested in subjects that don’t meet with his preferred view. Perhaps you’d like to join the discussion and tell us what you think? Please do.
Naomi, Unfortunately I am rushing about to get ready to go out as taking grandson where he has to go and then later to hospital to visit husband. Wont be back today. Byeeee.
Perhaps when you have more time then. Byeeee.
naomi; (or anyone!) This is a genuine and friendly request, what do you think "He that findeth his life shall loose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." means? I can't figure it out, it sounds a bit like a Zen koan.
Naon 24 scorpiojo, Goodlife doesn't recognise contradictions - not even his own. 

Goodlife, //God did not regret creating man// 

This from your version of the bible. 

//Jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened// Gen. 6:6 

I think you can take it as 'gospel' that God regretted creating man. Your bible says so quite clearly - or is that one of the irrelevant bits? 

What do you think when he quoted that Tex,
It is said that (men )we are in his likeness and was created with the quantities he had .so therefore when you become angry do you say things out of context at that moment .or do you just go out .put your head in the sand.
and there are many scriptures relating to his anger was blazing ..but after his consideration he continue loves you.. (just like a parent)
god couldn't destroyed us all and started again what that proved he is all powerful (may be)but that would not answer the question of his love for mankind ..

god renders helped to the effective ones who have gone astray .but of course there are many who persistent in their wrong doing .just like to adam and eve ….eve .knew she was doing wrong. she quoted .I am not to touch it. So she disobey and then she tempted her husband to follow her by taking the fruit from the tree she was stealing from the create. once again this is selfishness act on their part.
Yes Adam and eve could have come clean and answer to charges and asked for giveness but once again their selfish tendencies came first .for Adam even blamed the creator for created the woman that he had given him quoted  Lexham English Bible 
genesis 3 12  And the man[n] replied,[o]“The woman whom you gave to be with me—she gave to me from the tree and I ate
didn't you think your anger would blaze if you was accused of something you have not done and been accused of lie and untruths .interpretations of your words and name would make you very angry. ??? I think
Debating with goodlife is akin to plaiting fog - ultimately pointless.

During his entire time on this section, he has never done anything except quote endless biblical tracts, and adopt a smug 'I know something you don't ...' attitude to anyone and everyone.

I can post this - secure in the knowledge that he will ignore it - as he ignores anyone who doesn't agree with him.

If I were considering becoming a Christian, then the thought that someone as narrow-minded and bigoted as this was a champion for the faith, it would give me serious second thoughts.
@ Kandro. I wouldn't claim to be one for exegesis but 'He that findeth his life shall lose it...' could well mean that all that we love here in this life will someday pass.
"... and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it." is clearly a promise that a martyr's crown and a place in Heaven are there for the taking.
Sandy; I think that sounds plausible, put simply; all life here passes, but for believers (in him) it is not the end: would you say?
I asked as a point of understanding not veracity. Thanks.
Andy- Hughes If you were considering becoming a Christian then please don't pay any attention to Goodlife /locusts,as the strange sect that they promulgate are NOT Christian.
It's a wonderfully stretchy definition of "losing ones life (for me)" when you can turn the dial all the way from "died, peacefully (eg old age), while believing in me" to "martyred themself, in my name".

That's just how imperfect the process of author, to page, to reader is, I suppose.

Incidentally, other than their closest family, can anyone remember last year's martyrs? (without using a search engine) No? I guess that's why they have to paint their names and faces on walls.

Hypo. as I said to Sandy, I only searched for an interpretation not a discussion.
Re. martyrs: I know of no recent ones, but I have done several portraits of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of which will be in my forthcoming exhibition.
Did you see "Kill the Christians" earlier this week, Sandy?
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There must have been some strong reason to say those words. Was you addressing soldiers who were arrayed in battle equipment and who were ready to march out against the enemy killing the humans.

Well, went Jesus Christ came along with a new teaching, for true Christian , when his own life was in danger, he said: “All those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” (Matt. 26:52)

Jesus Christ told not to fear those who kill the body were twelve peaceful men. They were his twelve special disciples, whom he named apostles, and were in no army. True, their bodies were in danger of being killed, but not by an enemy army in battle action.

No, they were being sent on a peaceful mission, one that did not deserve their being killed. Nevertheless, a little earlier in his speech to these same twelve apostles Jesus Christ said: do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” (Matt. 10:26-28)

So it was going to require fearlessness of true Christian keep on preaching the message of God’s kingdom.
I don't follow the crowd, if I did, I would be like you following the ways of the world and its prejudices, etc
There's a major non-sequitur in your argument, goodlife....

//So it was going to require fearlessness of true Christian keep on preaching the message of God’s kingdom.//

As a JW, you are not a true Christian.
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A humiliating end awaits you and all who determined opposers of Jehovah’s sovereignty,and his Witnesses.

In the original Hebrew in which much of the Bible was written, a unique personal name appears here. It is spelled יהוה (YHWH) in Hebrew letters. In English, the common rendering of that name is “Jehovah.” Does that name occur in only one Bible verse? No. It appears in the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7,000 times! (Psalm 83:18)
goodlife, you could write 3+2=6, 7000 times if you want, it still doesn't make it true, so what's your point?
vestute, no, I couldn't bear to watch it. How sad is it that some of our brothers of the book(s) have strayed so far from the teachings of the Quran?
איזה עומס של השטויות של יהוה - הבל גמור מופרך לחלוטין חלם על ידי פריקים שליטה מסוכנים

That is Hebrew for "What a load of Jehovah's twaddle - totally unfounded bunkum dreamed up by dangerous control freaks."
"vestute, no, I couldn't bear to watch it. How sad is it that some of our brothers of the book(s) have strayed so far from the teachings of the Quran?".
Was that irony, Sandy, or do you really believe what you've just written? If irony, then in very bad taste; but I think you're expressing an honest opinion, in which case you are misinformed. "Sadly" so.

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