I've posted, Eddie, because when reading the OP I observed a strange irony. And it's this. There are laws on the statute books of Ireland and, almost certainly, many other European countries criminalising blasphemy. These "aberrant" law (quoting the OP) date back to God knows when (oops!) and are dead letter: when was the last time anybody in Europe was banged up, far less killed for breaking any of these laws? On the other hand there are the blasphemy provisions of the Sharia, some of which are incorporated in the constitutions of many Islamic countries as you yourself pointed out. Not a single provision of Sharia blasphemy law has any place in the criminal law of European nations. And yet (and this is the irony) we've had book burnings and riots, we've had journalists threatened, put under police protection and even killed for breaking them. The result of this intimidation has been to silence any criticism or mockery of Islam, however mild, by anyone in politics, any of the mainstream media and everyone in the entertainment industries (and that includes the Frys). So statute law is broken with impunity, but a barbaric and recent import is de facto enforced.
"This is NOT to say that I do not deplore the blasphemy charges in Muslim states. It is very wrong and needs to be changed...".
If you stand by that remark, Eddie, then you must deplore Islamic blasphemy law being enforced here.
That's the point I'm trying to make. And that's why I think this OP is an appropriate place to make it.