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The Created Universe.

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Theland | 00:57 Wed 02nd May 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
150 Answers
We agree, I presume, that the universe is not eternal, but had a beginning about 13.7 billion years ago.
That being the case, there are, in my opinion, only two possible causes for the created universe.
First, what I believe, it was created by God.
Secondly, what atheists believe, no God was involved, but it was created by completely natural processes.
If you support the latter view, what would you suggest were these natural creative processes, and how would they work?


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So there is no evidence for ANYTHING?
So we can say anything we like and teach Zombie Science in schools? (That is the title of a book by Johnathon Wells, lectures on YouTube too. Saves a bus ride to the lecture halls.)
I literally just posted an example of evidence for Dark Matter. Do you... do you read replies to your posts?
Theland, any scientist with any sense and worth his salt will not say he has the ultimate answer to the origin of the universe - because he doesn't. No one does. Get a grip!
Bet Thelands on You Tube right now.....
Theland when you stop demanding proof for everything we say and offer proof for what you say, we might be getting somewhere. On this one thread alone, others have given you proof of what we know, yet you have never, on any thread, given proof of what you believe, apart from saying look it up on youtube. If you are so certain you are right, have the courage of your convictions and download this proof.
We are pretty poor at accepting that there are many things we will never know about. We can only know about stuff that our five senses can inform us of - like earthworms, which probably don't know much at all and will never know of our presence even though we are only inches away from them, we are restricted by the limitation of what may be pathetic senses. To put it simply, God only knows what's going on around us...
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That is just a taster of the opinions I respect.
I really have listened to the evidence presented by the "New Atheists," but simply found it wanting.
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There is no observable evidence for dark energy or dark matter. To postulate these is simply to fill in gaps in our knowledge of how gravity works. But that aside, if dark energy and matter were observed and proven to exist, these would be a part of, not in any way the cause of, our universe.
The problem for the new atheists is trying to find something outside of, or prior to, our universe.
The preamble to all of their statements is that God definitely does not exist, and so they have to look elsewhere for a convincing argument. So far they have failed miserably, and quite often rely on sheer nonsense to try and attempt a universe created without God.
Do you believe the universe is expanding?
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Yes that is what is observed. Red shift.
What is the purpose of the expansion, what function does it fulfil?

Why would a Creator not just put all the stars and planets in a fixed position?

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Corby - Does it really matter to you so much?
Why waste your time on such trivia? If God chose it that way, so be it. Why isn't the sky green or the grass red? I could go on. Try not to miss the big message straining gnats.
You're the one who believes the universe was created by design not me.

Do you believe there is life on other planets or is that not important either?
We are not born with the knowledge of how this universe or life came to be let alone how to live in it. But the more we learn, the better our lives become, the more we realise the gods we once attributed to anything we once didn't understand had nothing to do with any of it.
Theland: "Evolution - no evidence. "

Quite simply wrong.

You are deluding yourself. There is loads of very strong evidence. Go look it up on Youtube.

theland, ever seen the film inherit the wind, the 1960 or the 1999 version its a real eye opener.
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Will try and watch it.
There is no universe there is the MATRIX we do not exist
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Just watched Inherit The Wind. Interesting. So much info missing from both sides of the argument. Made for sensationalism I guess and entertainment. Very entertaining. Watched half of both films, early and late. Great acting.
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Kidas - Believe me, I have tried to examine evolution, but it is just too reliant on assumptions and bigotry. I don't buy it.

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