Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Our Selfish God.
135 Answers
A quote from Naomi on the, '' Benign,'' thread :-
. This selfish God says worship him or woe betide you, and the cowardly do as they are bid lest they compromise the safety of their souls in defence of truth. If man was made in God’s image it shows. What a selfish, self-obsessed creature he is.
This quote raises a few questions.
Is God selfish? Yes, most certainly, He tells us this in the Bible.
Those who do His bidding are cowardly? How? That surely demands an explanation and some examples.
I believe in God, have I made the impression of being cowardly?
On the contrary, it would be easier for me to embrace the majority consensus on God, science and evolution, but I don't. Is that cowardly?
It is true that people are selfish, that is the cause of moral evil.
So Naomi, what on earth are you talking about?
. This selfish God says worship him or woe betide you, and the cowardly do as they are bid lest they compromise the safety of their souls in defence of truth. If man was made in God’s image it shows. What a selfish, self-obsessed creature he is.
This quote raises a few questions.
Is God selfish? Yes, most certainly, He tells us this in the Bible.
Those who do His bidding are cowardly? How? That surely demands an explanation and some examples.
I believe in God, have I made the impression of being cowardly?
On the contrary, it would be easier for me to embrace the majority consensus on God, science and evolution, but I don't. Is that cowardly?
It is true that people are selfish, that is the cause of moral evil.
So Naomi, what on earth are you talking about?
Mozz - There is, and has been for decades, a gradual slide into immoral filth, where anything goes, and there is a constant drive to shock, when the last shock has worn off.
It has brought more and more misery, with more and more victims, many of them children.
The LBGTQ and Trans movements have always been at the forefront of this so called sexual emancipation.
Not what God had planned for us.
It certain?y has not brought happiness.
It has brought more and more misery, with more and more victims, many of them children.
The LBGTQ and Trans movements have always been at the forefront of this so called sexual emancipation.
Not what God had planned for us.
It certain?y has not brought happiness.
//This selfish God says worship him or woe betide you, and the cowardly do as they are bid lest they compromise the safety of their souls in defence of truth.//
And that^ Theland is precisely what you’re doing. God can’t handle truth and neither can you. You don’t love god - you’re terrified of him - and then you have the arrogance to threaten others on his behalf. Theland, if your god were a member of AB he wouldn’t last five minutes. He would be ripped to shreds. You don’t defend God because you know there is no defense for the indefensible. That is the truth - whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
As for //Homosexuality is a sin just like theft or any dishonesty//
Get over yourself, Theland. That is utterly disgraceful. You have no idea what effect your stupid, thoughtless words may have on others but I’ll tell you for nothing they have the potential to cause great damage - and for that you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. You call yourself a Christian? I’m more Christian than you!
And that^ Theland is precisely what you’re doing. God can’t handle truth and neither can you. You don’t love god - you’re terrified of him - and then you have the arrogance to threaten others on his behalf. Theland, if your god were a member of AB he wouldn’t last five minutes. He would be ripped to shreds. You don’t defend God because you know there is no defense for the indefensible. That is the truth - whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
As for //Homosexuality is a sin just like theft or any dishonesty//
Get over yourself, Theland. That is utterly disgraceful. You have no idea what effect your stupid, thoughtless words may have on others but I’ll tell you for nothing they have the potential to cause great damage - and for that you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. You call yourself a Christian? I’m more Christian than you!
He [God] decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of men, for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him.”—Acts 17:26, 27
The same rule of judgment holds true with regard to people of today, which has proved unfaithful to God’s holy Word, the Bible, for the apostle Paul says: “If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself.” (2 Tim. 2:13) In other words, God will carry out what he says in his written Word regardless of the fact that the hundreds of millions who claim to be Christian neither live up to the Bible nor uphold the God of the Bible. What men do can never make God false or prove God false.
The same rule of judgment holds true with regard to people of today, which has proved unfaithful to God’s holy Word, the Bible, for the apostle Paul says: “If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself.” (2 Tim. 2:13) In other words, God will carry out what he says in his written Word regardless of the fact that the hundreds of millions who claim to be Christian neither live up to the Bible nor uphold the God of the Bible. What men do can never make God false or prove God false.
Theland - // Mozz - There is, and has been for decades, a gradual slide into immoral filth, where anything goes, and there is a constant drive to shock, when the last shock has worn off.
It has brought more and more misery, with more and more victims, many of them children.
The LBGTQ and Trans movements have always been at the forefront of this so called sexual emancipation.
Not what God had planned for us. //
You sound like a re-incarnated Mary Whitehouse, and that's not a good thing to be.
If you want to be a prissy snobbish Middle England housewife with an over-developed sense of self-importance and an utterly unjustified sense of moral superiority, then you have achieved it - but it does not good for Christians in general who tend to get lumped in with such patronising garbage as statements like this.
As for you referring to your son's homosexuality as a 'sin' - i wonder how he manages to love a father who can put his own moral superiority and subservience to a ruthless and cruel deity above the natural love of a parent for his child.
If you were my father, I'd disown you.
Fortunately for you, your son lives in a world with more than enough moral judgement and criticism for him being the way he is - he obviously is not keen to add to it.
That to his credit, and your shame.
It has brought more and more misery, with more and more victims, many of them children.
The LBGTQ and Trans movements have always been at the forefront of this so called sexual emancipation.
Not what God had planned for us. //
You sound like a re-incarnated Mary Whitehouse, and that's not a good thing to be.
If you want to be a prissy snobbish Middle England housewife with an over-developed sense of self-importance and an utterly unjustified sense of moral superiority, then you have achieved it - but it does not good for Christians in general who tend to get lumped in with such patronising garbage as statements like this.
As for you referring to your son's homosexuality as a 'sin' - i wonder how he manages to love a father who can put his own moral superiority and subservience to a ruthless and cruel deity above the natural love of a parent for his child.
If you were my father, I'd disown you.
Fortunately for you, your son lives in a world with more than enough moral judgement and criticism for him being the way he is - he obviously is not keen to add to it.
That to his credit, and your shame.
//As for you referring to your son's homosexuality as a 'sin' //
He doesnt though andy, he excuses his own child. Ive pointed out several times that the bible condemns homosexuals to not only death but eternal torment as well (both old and new testaments).
But....as can be expected....Theland cherry picks verses to suit.
He doesnt though andy, he excuses his own child. Ive pointed out several times that the bible condemns homosexuals to not only death but eternal torment as well (both old and new testaments).
But....as can be expected....Theland cherry picks verses to suit.
You said it yourself, his homosexuality "troubles" your son. This must mean the homosexuality is not a preference, but an God-given desire. God created homosexuality. If He did that, chances are he created transexuality as well.
Theland- //Do I hate catholics, Muslims, etc?
No, not at all.
I reject their non biblical teaching//
Also Theland- //Me Islamophobic? Too darn right I am.//
Islamophobia definition- "Islamophobia is the fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally."
Make up your mind Theland, you either hate them or you don't.
Theland- //Do I hate catholics, Muslims, etc?
No, not at all.
I reject their non biblical teaching//
Also Theland- //Me Islamophobic? Too darn right I am.//
Islamophobia definition- "Islamophobia is the fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally."
Make up your mind Theland, you either hate them or you don't.
//Not what God had planned for us//
Maybe it's exactly what God planned for us? You've said yourself not to question God's plans. Maybe it only applies to the things you morally accept? Anything that plays to your own prejudices, you can twist the words of your book to justify your own so-called morality.
Maybe it's exactly what God planned for us? You've said yourself not to question God's plans. Maybe it only applies to the things you morally accept? Anything that plays to your own prejudices, you can twist the words of your book to justify your own so-called morality.
Naomi, as I said, it's God's will. It has to be, or all of Theland's beliefs are flushed down the loo. Either God made him (and others) gay, or there's another force at work- nature. If It's a natural phenomenon, then by definition, it's outside of God's remit, meaning He can't be all powerful, meaning He doesn't exist.
Maybe that's why the church hates LGBT+ folk so much, they've no explanation as to their existence.
Maybe that's why the church hates LGBT+ folk so much, they've no explanation as to their existence.
Naomi - // ^That's an enormous generalisation and, as such, ill-considered. It may, as you say, apply to stupid people, but it assumes that only the stupid criticise the groups you mention and never with justification. That simply isn't so. //
It does indeed apply to stupid people, but it does not assume anything, certainly not that criticism is made without justification.
Homosexuals and Muslims, considered as social groups are not immune from criticism, because they are part of society, and no section of society is beyond cricitism.
My point is that people like Theland criticise them, not for valid reasons, but because he fears them for simply being what they are.
You might as well criticise someone for having blue eyes. It is not their choice per se, it is an aspect of who they are, but it does not define who they are to the point where they should be feared - that is simple ignorance, and that is the point I was making.
As for Theland's comparison of homosexualty to theft - again, you'd have to go a long way to find a comparison as fundamentally baseless and ignorant as that.
Theft is a conscious act with negative results for innocent victims.
To compare that with sexual orientation is to add crass ignorance to a list of unpleasant attitudes which Theland regularly displays on his hand-wringing pointless threads.
It does indeed apply to stupid people, but it does not assume anything, certainly not that criticism is made without justification.
Homosexuals and Muslims, considered as social groups are not immune from criticism, because they are part of society, and no section of society is beyond cricitism.
My point is that people like Theland criticise them, not for valid reasons, but because he fears them for simply being what they are.
You might as well criticise someone for having blue eyes. It is not their choice per se, it is an aspect of who they are, but it does not define who they are to the point where they should be feared - that is simple ignorance, and that is the point I was making.
As for Theland's comparison of homosexualty to theft - again, you'd have to go a long way to find a comparison as fundamentally baseless and ignorant as that.
Theft is a conscious act with negative results for innocent victims.
To compare that with sexual orientation is to add crass ignorance to a list of unpleasant attitudes which Theland regularly displays on his hand-wringing pointless threads.