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Why Use A Browser ?

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modeller | 19:51 Fri 31st May 2013 | Computers
103 Answers
Although I 've computers for many years I have never seen the point of using a browser. Whenever I switch on I go straight to Google to find what I want, so what is the point of browsers.


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When I open my browser it automatically opens 7 tabs including Answerbank, a news site, my webmail, my own forum, Twitter AND a google search box :)
21:53 Fri 31st May 2013
I know how to post so what's the point of my brain.
I think modeller does not realise that when he open his "Google" icon it is opening up the browser AND going to the Google web site in one step.

I think he is asking why some peoiple need to open a browser first and THEN go to Google.

The answer modeller is that in your particular browser you have Google set as you home page. If you had set the BBC web site (or Answerbank) as your home page then when you opened your browser it would go to THOSE web sites first.

You dont seem to understand then when you click on your Google icon it is in effect doing TWO steps - opeing your browser AND taking you to the Google home page.
When I open my browser it automatically opens 7 tabs including Answerbank, a news site, my webmail, my own forum, Twitter AND a google search box :)
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//Google is obviously set up as your home page so when you "go on the internet" it immediately goes to google //
No it doesn't but I can immediately click on the Google icon and go to its home page. I don't have to go to the browser first.
The icon is a short cut , that's its purpose. It's there to avoid going into the browser first. Its much quicker.
Yes. It's using the browser.
Leave it factor - you'll hurt your head on the brick wall eventually :+)
I'm just glad my homepage is the BBC............
Having read all this, I can say with certainty that I understand the internet better than somebody. This is very cheering.Thanks.

What don't you understand now,modeller ? Can I help ?
Lol - Fred
Pro-tip: If you don't think you need a browser get rid of it.
Great wind-up modeller :-D
Modeller, your browser starts automatically, The screen you see is generated by the browser. If you didn't have the browser life would be very difficult, you would have a flashing cursor and you would have to type in a command with the address for google, and having made a mistake do it again, then get mad and make more mistakes until you give up in despair, at last that is how it used to be.
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VHG and hc have got it. It is a two step explanation which is the answer .
It is the icon that opens up the browser and then goes to the Google home page. Which also means it is not necessary to go onto the browser home page first in order to get to Google . Which is what my OP was saying.

It's obvious that most of the posts didn't know that , but thanks for all your efforts.
Everyone knew that - everyone tried to explain it - the problem is in your understanding not their explanations ...
So you agree that when you click the icon it goes via the browser to Google.
So when you ask "what is the point of browsers" you've just answered yourself
I must be backward, 'cos one click of my browser opens up my homepage.
You asked //Why Use A Browser ?// because you need one is the answer, you can set whatever page or pages as you open your Browser as you wish.
Which is where we were three hours ago, Mass ...
no, you don't have to go to the browser's home page (though you could set that as your own homepage if you wanted). You can go to any page you want. You'll just be using the browser to do it.
I'll give you a practical reason for having a browser, apart from the obvious one that is.

I have a friend I chat to online. We used to use MSN, but since that service stopped, and she can't get on with Skype, we chat using a supposed social networking site.

Now, rather than having my usual browser running with one tab reserved for chatting to her (if, that is, she happens to be online), I run a second browser logged with the social networking site open. That way I can use my default browser for doing all the things I might want to do, can open and close it as often as I like without constantly having to go back and log in to the social networking site.

Now, sure I could close tabs as I go along (and often do) leaving the social site tab there all the time, but I prefer to have it open in another browser and to be able to shut down my main one as and when I feel like it. Other people who use this computer also have their preferences - mostly they prefer Chrome whereas I prefer Firefox, and nobody here likes IE very much.

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