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Why Use A Browser ?

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modeller | 19:51 Fri 31st May 2013 | Computers
103 Answers
Although I 've computers for many years I have never seen the point of using a browser. Whenever I switch on I go straight to Google to find what I want, so what is the point of browsers.


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When I open my browser it automatically opens 7 tabs including Answerbank, a news site, my webmail, my own forum, Twitter AND a google search box :)
21:53 Fri 31st May 2013
I know Dave.......I know!!
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Thanks for all your comments even the silly ones. However may I point out I never said you don't need a browser. I only queried why everyone talks about using the browser , that is going into the browser's home page first , in order to get to Googles home page.

sunny //Everyone knew that // Really I wonder why they didn't say so ?
Surely it would just be the same if you set Google as your home page and clicked on the browser icon...............
That's what I do.
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huderon That's a good answer as to why using more than one browser can be of value.
Safari is the browser on iphone, where I then choose my website; the laptop is Firefox that opens My Favourites that I choose from.

Without a browser the iphone is limited to Apps and the laptop is limited to Programs……geddit ?
Who has ever said they go to their browser's home page first? After all is said and done all modeller has said is that Google is his home page. this is so unremarkable that I think people had a hard time understanding why it would be remarked upon. At work, my email is my home page. At home it's Would anyone using firefox actually have as their home page?
Modeller, I'm glad you eventually 'get it'. For a second I thought you needed praying for. :) :)
I am about to go to bed but am now thinking that perhaps I am there already and this thread is nothing more than a strange dream.

No surprise that modeller has a 'Debater' badge for taking part in long threads. He certainly knows how to keep going with nonsense.


>"I only queried why everyone talks about using the browser"

It usually comes up in conversations on here when we discuss the pros and cons of certain browsers.
I have a head ache now lol.

I think after a bit of back peddling Modeller is now accepting he was wrong he just wont admit it lol.

Oh well, life goes on, and its a lovely day out there :-)
If only I could somehow introduce God, this thread could last forever. :-)
Well to be quite honest Khandro, I very nearly said a prayer for Modeller to understand all this and then after repeatedly hitting my head against the wall I plain forgot.
When you use an 'app' on a smartphone does that not go direct to the 'app site' without a browser? or have I got it wrong? I heard the 'browser suppliers' are very worried that 'apps' may make them redundant?
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Ratter //I think after a bit of back peddling Modeller is now accepting he was wrong he just wont admit it lol.//

Wrong about what ? I asked a OP question ? It may have been ambigious
but it was a question. What would you like me to admit to ?
Got up, read this thread. I am going to back to bed, and my basket weaving.
I think the app situation is a different problem. Most people tend to spend their time on only a few websites. Email, Some news website, answerbank... If you have apps for each of these pages that can allow you to visit that site and enjoy its full content, although while using that app you cannot go anywhere else on the internet and are just stuck on the site.

Most people might not mind this anyway but then that's the point: with maybe twenty apps at most, people can have access to all sites they really want to use, and don't need a browser to move between them or to visit the rest of the sites they aren't interested in. At least, that's what I think said browser providers might be worried about.

Modeller, your OP was very ambiguous and it's not too surprising that people were talking about something broader than you seem to have meant. Whoops!
lol Modeller, not going there again, enough is enough ;-)
AMEN ..!!
jim, I think that is none the less the sort of thing that modeller was asking about: you have an app so you don't need a browser. Could (in theory) a desktop run the same way? Or does an app somehow involve a browser anyway?

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