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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
brilliant news Shaney. legs are a so and so to heal. Oh dear Neti, would having your head cut off be easier?
Jon your hol sounds lovely, is it one of those river canal trip things?
Robi, I hope you enjoyed the sun...don’t toss the mac!
We have spent today not doing much and feel almost normal for us.
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Good morning all. Have to do then yearly tax returns today so am just lazing until then. Cba to rush down for a coffee. Will meet hija later . Have just tanned myself!
Morning all...dull and chilly-ish here. Yesterday's sun didn't last but it was still acceptable and ok for pulling up a thousand dead forget-me-nots. I should have kept the pacamac on, those seeds don't half stick to your crimplene slacks.
Woofy I might need to borrow your boys if the gang of kids I had last night come back. One of them was jumping in and out of my front garden over the gate, picking up stones and throwing them down the road. I banged like hell on the window, I probably should have ignored them but I was in tetchy mood. The boys all legged it, it was a girl who just glared and's always the girls who are most trouble.

Fantastic news shaney, the end's in sight at last, it's been a long haul for you. Better send those nurses to Ibiza to sort neti out.

It's a good thing I'm too tired and agitated to bother with the tele at the moment, has it ever been worse? Referendum and and referendum. If people haven't decided yet what hope is there? We need decisive people, not ummers and ahhhers. Make your !£$%^&@ mind up. That's my manifesto. :)

Bonjour jno, even the met etc can't predict the weather, I swear they change it every hour.
Why did I put Jon for Jno? they keep moving these keys around.....
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Been out with hija and then she had the bright idea of a Chinese take away for lunch. We'd already had a shandy each and a bowl of mixed nuts. But she was hungry. Got 2 take aways home and she's ploughed through some and I am just not hungry but ate the sushi making. It's we too hot to eat. Just bought some solar lights for the garden (!) To lighten my darkness!
Hello all
Not a bad day,good in parts like the curate's egg.No downpours atm that's the main thing.Hope you're all ok.
You do get some annoying little toads at times Robinia.
Nothing much doing here. I too am bored to tears with the non stop referendum crip and the football.
According to one wag on here which I've just read,we will be able to kick out any non British out of our country....and it's a fact you know :)
Lol...I'd love 'em to knock on my door .This debacle has showed an awful lot of people in their true colours and it's not very pleasant.
Hey ho ...KBO people.
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Yes indeed Shaney xenophobia at its best. Ah well all foreigners kicked out of Uk and a million + Expats invading the UK's hallowed borders.
I very much doubt it'll be out. I really can't get my knickers in a twist over it all. If you have a vacant room shaney I'll move in with you!
You'll be very welcome Neti ...I'll oil the lawnmower :))
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Err........... Why?
I thought you liked gardening Neti
Hedge cutting for me please neti.

This is the best thing on the tele at the moment....I love James Blunt, lol

yes he’s lovely....Bonfire Heart makes me cry.

Best Brexit quote....and its a true one, friend of a friend on facebook

“If Brexit doesn’t win, I am going to sell up and move to Spain”
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James Blunt is over here atm, in Sta Gertrudis. My friend joined the meat queue in a little supermarket (it's only a tiny village) and he was in front of her but to be sure one asks who is the last? He was so nice and told her to go in front of him and she said are you sure. And he said por favor, so sweet, am rushing over there tomorrow for a selfie with him!!!
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Shaney if Brexit involves gardening I'm staying here!
I like James Blunt .That advert is really funny.I saw it last night while I was surfing around for something to watch but couldn't find anything .I started the second box set of Streets of San Fransisco this evening.Watched four episodes.It's very dated but I do love a cop show and Michael Douglas was quite dishy in his youth.Very hilly in SF though. They must all have bad knees :) I'm saving the Americans for a rainy day Neti.
There was another ad on last night which was lovely from the Dogs Trust .
I just love this dog and his little toy.He's gorgeous.
Morning all
Such as it is .Pouring down and has been for hours ,thundering now.So.dding weather's getting on my wick.Hopefully it'll stop at some stage so I can go and vote and pop into Morrisons for a few bits.
Hope you're all ok though.
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Good morning all. Well today's the day that my future is decided! And I have no sy I the matter.
Yrs shaney that dog I lovely. I like cruffy dogs. There's one country like.Denmark or Finland where people cannot buy a dog if there straays waiting to be adopted. Good idea bit not if you're a little old Lady living in a tiny house and all that's left is an huge Great Dane.
Its not Denmark Neti. I have just been to vote. We had the storm here from around 11pm to 4.30am then at 5.30 it monsooned. The dogs woke me because they were worried, just as well as my garden drain had blocked and the waters were rising. I put on what I thought was a waterproof coat over my jammies, it wasn’t, and wellies with no socks which got stuck fast on my feet. Anyway have been and voted. it was pretty brisk in there for so early and all very serious. Dogs are asleep and I will be too soon, one hour a night is not enough.
Hi there. Hello you. :) I thought you might all be in the 'can't stand him' camp. His put downs on twitter are hilarious...and naughty.

Shaney I love that dog toy ad, I'd forgotten that one. Charlie's favourite toy was his well chewed raggy rope....which bore a striking resemblance to me :)
I don't think San Francisco is the ideal place for dizzy dames with rubbery legs. I have to take a pill just to look at the pics.

Sounds rough in your area woofy. It's a brighter morning storms but I guessed there were some not far away yesterday because I felt like crip and I still feel like a chewed rope. It's looking like a wet weekend ahead.
My vote went in the post weeks ago.
My request for nice weather when I get back obviously didn't get through. I'm sure these storms are God's way of telling me which way to vote if only I could work it out. I am sitting at Avignon station waiting for hours for a TGV. Later I will be doing the same at Lille. I hope we aren't late or Brexit will have won and they'll close the borders.

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