Clarkson has fallen foul of the usual trip hazard that is waiting for people who make a living out of 'Telling it like it is.'
That label is simply a media catch-all phrase which admirers parrot on sites like this.
What it really means is people who are professionally rude to other people for the hooting and pointing amusement of their media audience.
The difficulty is, the 'Tellers' get more and more wrapped up in their own hype, and believe their own wonderfulness and omnipotence, and their apparently God-given right to say what they like about whom they like, with impunity.
Inevitably, that means they go too far, and fall over their own malice, and the world at large turns against them, as opposed to their relatively small coterie of fans who are amused by simple nasty digs at compete strangers.
The excreable Katie Hopkins lost all her media platforms, and her house, over exactly the same behaviour, although to be fair, she did refuse to apologise and donate to a charity of her victim's choice.
Clarkson has apologised, and still the storm goes on.
My view is that he is an excellent writer, when not polishing his pointless macho credentials and reminding the world how much he hates Harry and Meghan.
He has gone to far, he has acknowledged that, and apologised.
The remaining situation, either at the hands of his employers, or the couple, is out of his hands, and he has to wait and see what shakes out when everyone calms down.
The fact that Harry and Meghan have 'refused' his apology means less than nothing, given their profession of being perpetual victims at war with the world.
His future with his television and newspaper employers may be more serious - hopefully when everyone calms down, he can carry on doing what he is doing.
He made a mistake, he apologised, I am unsure exactly what else he can be expected to do - but apparently some will not rest until he is cast out of the media altogether for saying something unpleasant.
If that's the rule we are living by, then Harry and Meghan should be gagged today, and prevented from spreading any more of their pointless self-pitying bile around the planet.
It's a strange world we live in ..