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Grand National

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ynnafymmi | 16:19 Sat 15th Apr 2023 | News
125 Answers
The hooray-henry scum of the earth disrupting the Peoples Race.Should the mumsies and popsies of these aerosols demand their little poppets get a life or get a real job?
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Of course they can. Don't you watch the Disney animated films? They can even talk you know. Meehh. ......What do you think that wild horses do, or did, to survive and evolve? Like all Earths creatures they weighed up the odds of survival. The ones who were good at it are still here. Byyee.
17:42 Sat 15th Apr 2023
"People's Race"?? Cruel.
they should become future employees of Prince Andrew when he becomes Governor of South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands, population 30 and 25 million penguins. Don't even send them to Rwanda - it's too good for them.
You should go and visit a racing stables and have a good look, maggie. It could be a bit of an eye-opener.
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The Peoples Race.Tried to be disrupted by a bunch of work-shy scum.
//a bunch of work-shy scum// Rather a sweeping statement about people whom none of us know.
that may be a bit harsh ynna but they are just as bad as those plonkers protesting on motorways etc. Dispatch them all.
49 horses have died already this year because some humans think that horse racing is a 'fun' thing to do:
I can see ken galloping towards this thread
Right on cue, Baz.
RACEhorses are bred to RACE. The clue might just be in the name.
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The problem with these aerosols is they have never done a days work in their lives,their mumsies and popsies have been subsidising these upper middle-class scum to long.Class War?Aye,go for it if it means eliminating these these over priviligised scumbags.
Hooray Henries ars people too
I prefer parents subsidising them than us supporting the feckless workshy from the taxes we pay.
I really couldn't care less how much wealth other people have.
Without racing some 4,000+ in the UK, and 8,500+ in Ireland, horses would not be foaled or have life. The wack jobs would have those lives eradicated and have the remaining creatures either put down or imprisoned. Most of them ironically feed pets that are never let out of doors. Does exactly what it says on the tin.
Why is the race scheduled for such a late start? I think years ago it used to start about 4 o'clock.
It used to start @ 3.15pm, not sure when it changed or why
Probably for the tv schedules so it doesn't clash with football
People can weigh up the risks of participation in dangerous sports such as boxing and motor racing. They think about the possibility of serious injury and they accept the risk. Horses dont have this choice
Of course they can. Don't you watch the Disney animated films? They can even talk you know. Meehh.
......What do you think that wild horses do, or did, to survive and evolve? Like all Earths creatures they weighed up the odds of survival. The ones who were good at it are still here. Byyee.
A horse died in the race and one was put down earlier in the afternoon so whatever we think about it, this can only help the protesters case.

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