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tamborine | 13:19 Wed 18th Sep 2013 | News
84 Answers
Is this an unnecessary burden on tax payers


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My parents wernt well off but none of us ever went hungry and we didnt get free school meals either. Some kids our class did but I didnt really think about what their circumstances were. Maybe we should have been entitled too but my parents were too proud to claim for anything, bless em

If there were exceptional circumstances, I would agree with it but not Free for All. I would never want a child to go hungry
all these wee 4-7 year old children given free school meals, id love to see the amount of waste ?

A lot of them ^^^ won't even know how to ue a knife and fork' how remiss of the State not to teach them!
I've no problem with this, especially if it feeds the kids of hard working parents that are on the breadline, as long as it's not forced as I doubt all parents would want to take the offer up, I certainly wouldn't have, my kids would still have had packed lunches.

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