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in HK. Why did he and Barry McG go in for a double whammy squeeling session with Marco and bitch about Lee and then Lee is called in to see Marco as if they are at school or something. Marco only had...
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Yesterday I caught my boss checking out my legs!! I was walking with him to a presentation and chatting away, and went up the staircase ahead of him when I stopped, turned arounnd to speak to him face...
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after a comment by red crx i thought id post this question. when you were divorced did you realise that your relationship was over or did you need to ask ? seems obvious to me . especially having been...
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big knickers or little thngs? applies to both men (what they prefer on women) and women (what they prefer to wear). or, men who wear them (you just never know!!!) lol
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Did anyone else notice that Big Brother's Ziggy was sat with Darren Lyons (that short fat paparazzi bloke with the stoopid hair) in Hell's Kitchen last night? I'm assuming it wasn't because they're...
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Does anyone know the name of the song that was played on Tuesday and wednesday's hollyoaks, it played when Hannah went into see Melissa in the hospital and also when she died, it is a chill out song...
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reading the posts today it appears theres no need to ask out a women anymore. sex is given freely and without much emotion either. if you have a one night stand expect sex , its a given btw.if you...
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I would like to apologise to legend. I posted something lastnight which I shouldnt have that I had been informed about him. Whether true or not I shouldnt have used this or bought this to other...
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RIP. I've never really liked classical music, but I do always remember being in a trance watching him sing. Great voice and what seemed like a great person.
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Wow, it's a dangerous place to live isn't it just ... full of nut jobs. David planning to do something unspeakable to his mother and the egregious Casey as mad as a hatter and smiling all the time! By...
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Was Lee Ryan right lastnight? I've always thought he is a gobby little *****, but I cant stand Jim Davidson, he's a sexist homophobic idiot. Theres a way to give orders and then theres just rude
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Yet again 4getmenot has vanished, but only some posts and I cant post any new questions. If this is someone reporting under various usernames its getting very tedious
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how many times a week do you make love ?? i think 2 times a year is fine b day and xmas lol
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just wondered.
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i have not been banned nor have i been allocated a clique to join its a disgrace! i am now going to e mail the editor even though she/he/it is probably down the pub on the 5th pint of harp and 3rd...
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Doc Spock
Ratter wants to vet the green newbies. Sanctimonious or what. Just why the heck does he and the clique presume they have that right.
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aka pixi
Are you a jealous type of person? When was the last time you were jealous? and why?
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Like they do at rehab or AA, I'd like each of us to stand up and say I am?. And I?? Can you do that?
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aka pixi
What was the best present you ever got when you was a kid?
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I've been banned again, I've emailed you twice now Ed- can you have a fiddle with whatever it is that needs fiddlin' with and get me out? Thank you

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