I'm about to start learning the guitar, and am looking for a decent instrument for a beginner to learn on.
How much is a reasonable amount to pay?
Looking for an acoustic guitar, not electric....
Mac O XS Yosemite V 10.10.5 Clicked on something in error, (ignorance) and installed something I am hating. thesmartsearch.... hate it, it looks all wrong and puts me off. In words of one syllable...
When I had Win7 I seemed to find it easier to spot a log I was looking for. (Not that I ever knew much what to do with them but at least I had an insight.) It just seems there are so many different...
Morning all ! Its not often I get in here first ! I am off to Cornwall at 04:00, just as soon as I have had a shave and made the flask of tea. I am firmly convinced that its impossible to make a long...
Could these have been intended to be set off aboard a US bound aircraft?...
There was an answer about the windows update number that allowed them to 'nag' you to sign up to Windows 10. I removed that up date as I do not want W10, now they have put it back on and the W10 icon...
Are they counter-productive? PJS and YMA have won a temporary injunction against the Sun on Sunday. They are a well known married couple in the entertainment industry. PJS had a threesome with a...
Trump's rallies get more like Hitler's every day - and please let's not trot out the old saw about Godwin's Law again. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/demonstrator-kicked-punched-trump-rally-134920396.html...
I have a bit of cold at the mo with something of a cough and err indoors keeps telling me to take cough mixture but all it does is soothe for about 3 seconds and you can only have a certain amount...
If I exit Kaspersky I can log in to Answerbank ok, but when I have Kaspersky running it causes all sorts of problems,but running without security is 'dodgy' right?
I know I (and others) have suggested more than once before that we have an RIP (or some other suitable heading) topic. Every time someone notable dies there are a selection of threads in various...
Hi! Did you enjoy George's 62 minute speech? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35811775 A few bits: * The annual Isa limit for regular Isas for all age groups is to rise from £15,000 to £20,000. *...