Sorry I know its the wrong section but no one seems to be in the shopping bit! We purchased a sofa from dfs in feb last year and it has been a total disaster.Honestly its the most uncomfortable thing...
What is the best site for free mp3 chart (music) downloads. Many say they are free but when it comes down to actually downloading the song there's always a catch.
who is loving ugly betty Im loving it it is the best sitcom from sex and the city it is great I hope she turns beautiful in the end and sicken her work colleagues.
i've never orgasmed whilst having sex. Although i can on most occassions when home alone! but i do sometimes pee aswell as having my orgasm. Is this common in woman or have i got a problem? x
my son of 12 come home and said he had smoked some stuff not sure what it was . dope or some thing . i know the boy that gave him it what do i do now , if i go to police and give the boys name they...
Indie labels are planning to join together in an online music sharing system designed to challenge the major labels' stranglehold on downloading. The partnership with Dutch-based company Merlin will...
Please don't ban - this is a genuine question. Is it possible for a man to be madly in love with his wife/partner and yet still want to fulfil a fantasy of seeing her with another man?? Or if he has...
I've had period cramps and very tender breasts for a few weeks now like my body has been gearing up to come on. I was due on a few days ago but no bleeding as yet but still got the cramps. I have been...