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Ok so my ex was texting me the other day and started talking about why we didn't work out. He said I always seemed distracted. I asked how? And he replied saying it didn't matter now as I was,...
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i had been seeing this guy... he told me he couldn't have a relationship but just wanted to go casual. He has been hurt a lot in the last year and i feel like he is saying all this to stop himself...
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I was seeing this guy about a month ago... we had a bit of a pregnancy scare and he said he wanted to cool it off for a bit until we were sure i wasn't..... he had a bad experience last year which i...
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I took my car to the garage the other day cos one of my tyres was goin down. I thought i might have to buy a new tyre but the guy said it was just the valve so they changed it for me. They took a...
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Can anyone help? i need the top stories of 2009 please? Thanx in advance xx...
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i have got a lump on the underside of my eyelid. i have had it for about two months now. when it first appeared my eye went really swollen. Just last month it came back again so i went to the pharmacy...
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What is the most annoying advert on TV, and what is your favourite one?
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Hi I wonder if any one can help me finnish this quiz?these are all cartoon characters,sorry that I can not let you see the pictures,but I will try and describe them,I only need three,Thanks for your...
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Ok am really shy and the guy i like is pretty shy as well. we've never really spoke but what are the signs that he might like me?
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David Black
Just had a pretty good steak, sirloin with some "New" potatoes, well small one. Plus a nice bottle of Chilean red between three. Life is tough....
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I'm staying in tonight to watch Pudsey, it's my highlight of the year. What's yours?...
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can anyone tell me the name of the guy on the leona lewis - happy video? Love this video so much!!
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I read at the weekend that apparently Cherie Wide-Mouthed-Frog Blair has had to delay her move into her latest mansion because it's infested with old bats.... Oh, the delicious irony......
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LOTS on my plate cant sleep before at least 4am mostly....any ideas to help me off to moving soon think thats keeping me up thinking about wht needs off to docs soon if it...
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Heat rises, so its sensible to put radiators near the bottom of the room, which most people do. So why are the heaters in my school in the cieling (its a 1 storey building) with no radiators around...
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I currently have an Nokia 6021 mobile phone - which is on its last legs! I am about to buy a new Nokia 6030 and need to know how to transfer ALL the address book from the old to the new phone! I...
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When i was 7/8 i hurt my finger, well burst the tendon actually. split it right in half after running into someone on my bike. anyways not the point. well i got stiches put in it and most of them were...
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Did anyone watch T4 ( i think thats wot its called) n channel 4 at 7. Well there was a group on it called Captain something i think? does anyone know wot they are called cos a liked there song. they...
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Does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of excessive condensation in a car ? My windscreen has so much of it on the inside - & I just can't seem to get rid of it !!! If I try wiping it off -...

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