How on earth could she have got away with a suspended sentence originally, this is a horrific crime, glad we finally have this savage in... Should the ECHR, back the British... Although this is most welcome, why has it taken so long and...
I have found the best web site ever for music should I share it on here or keep it to my self? I would hate to upset anyone of the self rightous who condem me for downloading from utube to my kindle... Should this person been spared a driving ban on those particular...
A good idea - or a drop in the ocean? Funny how this thug happen to remember he is gay, minutes away from being put on a... He fitted the description of a bank robber, the police... I may be accuse of posting...
Why is it that when you talk to somebody in the yes campaign for independence they are so arrogant? There seems to be a culture of arrogance in the yes camp has anyone else found that?... The BBC are not on their own, neither... With a record like this, why has it not been banned, well we know the reason don't we? *** Since the...
Its being reported in the press today that Cilla is shocked over the allegations about Cliff Richard. Her exact words, according to the Guardian are :: " I, like everyone else, was very shocked to...