What a nicely clued and enjoyable solve. This was not the fearsome shocker we are all expecting one of these days. Please, please heed our pleas this week and don't spoil it for other solvers and...
Some lovely clues have brought me to the point where I just have to find the third item to illustrate, and I feel a need to rest. Thanks (in advance) Pointer. You have enlightened me and revived...
Thought I'd begin the Friday club. What joy to see another new Listener name and what succinct cluing! A speedy fill then a delightful pdm for me with the theme cleverly holding it all together and...
Another debut! I am usually not one for Listener's where there's no PDM etc but I enjoyed this one. Difficulty enhanced by the difference in definition and wordplay together with some tough clues....
I don't get it! (the joke that is) I am glad it was easy this week compared to last week, but I am not impressed. The title, the rejoinder, the connection between the quotation? I suppose none of it...
A rapid grid fiil brings the reward of a visit to the sherry decanter before attempting to make sense of the preamble. It's a risky strategy, but someone has to try it. On reflection, I think I boobed...
Everyone must be away on their hols or just enjoying a lazy Sunday. A pretty straightforward grid fill, and once I'd decided that SMIR was not relevant other than the placing of unchecked letters, an...
Having seen the setter(s) I thought that this would be a real problem. Surprisingly, despite some tricky clues, it all fell into place quite quickly. I notice that these days they omit the instruction...
I posted a perfectly polite notice on the Times website creating a discussion about this week's puzzle - along the lines of: "I am getting a bit fed up with the preponderance of cartes blanches,...
Oh no, it's Mr. O! Greetings you Brits, Swiss (honorary) and any Croatians who may be lurking. A difficult EV, I thought, that would not be out of place as a Listener. Many obscure words for answers;...
Can this be the first post on this puzzle? I thought it was very well done; the theme dawned on me very late in the game - I suspect those who caught it early on had an easier time of finding the...
Grid fill is proceding quite quickly and smoothly, especially when compared to last week. However, I know that this will rapidly slow down as I know nothing about either the two adversaries or the...
Not even close yet: I have almost all the "outside" clues and most of the ones that start on the outside, but tracking them through the knight moves is pretty desperate at the moment. I'm...
I spent a long time staring at a grid with the source filled in and a knowledge of the letters that had slipped before I started cracking the clues. Having basically solved it in the reverse order I...
Hello EV N&C Wine Clubbers, Well this week was a perfect example of how you should really read the rubric to ensure you enter the answers appropriately! I didn't and suffered badly with 2 of our...
An enjoyable Listener début from Ifor (although a setter that I have solved in the Magpie, EV and IQ). I was wondering why this needed to be a carte blanche as I was solving it, but the little...
Rapidly closing in on this having now got over two thirds of the grid filled, but not yet the thematic creation. I particularly liked 23D, but perhaps that's just me. A fun debut (I think). Many...
Thank you, Poat. Quite pretty, but not tough enough to keep me away from the garden for too long this fine weekend. I have to admit I had to rely on the phrase to get me started on the bottom...