Every time I make a rice pudding (on the stove top) the milk burns and makes a mess of the bottom of the pan. I have the heat on extremely low, the lowest the gas will allow. Anyone got a tip on how...
My dad is in the process of looking for a new sales job. He is 50 years old and I'm worried that his age is going to go against him. Are there any special job agencies that specialise in getting older...
My internet-less cousin in a remote area rang in a panic after reading the MoS report on having to carry a Hi-Viz jacket - operative in FRance from 1st. July. Naturally the frogs took great delight in...
I have dug up my Leylandii trees and want to extend my lawn to cover the ground where the trees were. The grass doesn`t seem to want to grow there. Could you tell me why, and if there`s anything I can...
Dear Internauts I was wondering if you could help me. I do not know what to buy for my sister as a wedding gift. She got married in Poland, and I will be visiting her later this year. I would like to...
We are travelling to usa in september and need to buy travel socks, does anyone know which compression factor we need and if a particular brand/type are better than others T I A
I know arnica heals bruises quicker but does anyone know of anything that would heal a scab quicker? I've scratched the top off something on my leg in my sleep and go on holidays in two days with a...
Does anyone know of any suncream without either octylmethoxycinamate or butylmethoxydibezoylmethane? I know it's a bit of a technical question, but hopefully someone will be able to help. Thanks.
Hi , im Charley and i am looking for a job around northwood Hills in the UK. Im 14 and i need to earn money for a holiday, but im happy to carry on after that holiday in October. Please can you...
Can any vegetarians on here tell me why as vegetarians you drink milk and eat cheese and yoghourts etc when on dairy farms thousands of newborn male calves are slaughtered as they are not 'needed'....
I teach young children English as a second language and would like your opinions on this: which do you think is more modern (so, up-to-date) for them to learn; Can you pass me that book, please? OR...
Have just had a summer cold and this nasty cough wont leave me, I know I am run down looking after Mr M but has anyone ant hints i havent tried. Docs tend not to want to give antibiotics do they?
Moved in to a new flat, now having a nightmare with the shower, bathroom basin and kitchen tap. With the shower, turn on the taps, about 30 seconds later, start getting hot water from the combi. The...
Can anyone suggest the most scenic route from Austria (anywhere) to Italy (lake Garda) over the alps? Will be driving later this week. Distance isn't an issue, but I'd like something that's...
I am going to Sicily in a few weeks with my young children, a boy of 2 and a 3 month old girl. What are the best brands for mosquito repellants for both body applications (anything for babies), and...