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who is the lady mentioned in the phrase "it's not over until the fat aldy sings"
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When you get "time" to thnk what do you think about? Today was a pleasant day weatherwise etc, I thought about sitting in the garden enjoying nature, and wine and letting lifes worries drift away
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Just a random question, but have earwigs become extinct ?? I haven't seen one for many years.
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Im a BusyBee
did you see the programme about this last night? do you think this is usual of most hotels?i stay in hotels alot and im not sure what to think (or maybe its best not to!)
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silly question just something ive aways wondered! seems a bit pointless to me!!
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Is it me or is she showing more leg than usual? She is rather pretty.
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Rojash I have noticed from previous posts that you seem to be an "expert" ref computers etc, please help, I have an Acer Laptop, vista windows, just recently it has continually went back to "log in"...
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Missed tonights showing of headcases on ITV, is it going to be repeated on any other of the ITV channels?
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To the charasmatic christians on here. Would YOU be prepared to allow me to tape your speaking in tongues and then ask other charismatic christians to interpret them and see if they all come up with...
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According to T.S. Eliot {From The Wasteland} April is the cruellest month, how true that is today in many places icy winds and snow. The Poets reflected a lot of nature in their works . Whats your...
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I've seen some things in my tie but this lot take the biscute. /showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=557051 &in_page_id=1773&in_page_id=1773 Have none...
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AB Asks
The supermodel is known for her short temper, and yesterday she was arrested at Heathrow airport 'for spitting at a policeman'. She apparently had a row with cabin crew over a missing bag pf hers....
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on Chatterbank tonight ?? Think they are bit sad and dire ..any comments ..
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Any opinions on last night's show? I can't believe Jenny didn't go. I thought she was going to be one of the ones I liked after last week, but some of the things she said - and the way she said them -...
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1. When was the last time you built a sandcastle 2. If you go for a paddle in the sea do you tuck your skirt in your knickers or roll your trousers up. 3. Has anyone ever lost anything on the beach ie...
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legend758,,30100-1 311474,00.html seems hes arrested because they found some kiddy porn on his computer will this carryon ever end? its getting very bizarre now .
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I am of the opinion that Carole Vordeman (Countdown) has the frumpiest taste in clothes ever, and just continually gets it wrong all the time. What does anyone else think?
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Doesn't it make you sick the way Mugabe "swans" around in his designer suits and designer spectacles when his people are starving oppressed etc. He is not the only dictator the world has seen but I...
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Just watchin tv.And in the programme someone says. we dont regret the things we do ..... ..... WE ONLY REGRET THE THINGS WE DIDNT DO . Discuss amongst yourselves. Is this true ?
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Hi am wanting some good travel insurance for our trip to Chile. This for a family. Andy recommendations would be most appreciated.

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