having a brain freeze today.....A movement in art, music and literature of the late 18th and 19th centuries usually opposed to classism.....I have -o-a-t-c-s- Round herbivorous mammals of Africa and...
Who is this guy Lord Harris, to say that Theresa May, is a hopeless leader of a very weak Government, and that we would be better of under a strong labour Government like that of, Tony Blair. Think...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/jacob-rees-mogg-abortion-oppose-pro-life-catholic-conservative-mp-tory-woman-raped-leader-a7931651.html I can understand why he believes this as he was...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4810902/England-women-s-footballer-accuses-head-coach-racism.html Had it been a white family returning from Nigeria and someone made a jibe about the fear of...
Having Scottish independence referendum at the same time as UK negotiating Brexit complicates & hinders negotiations with the EU. Surely once UK left EU, EU citizens living in Scotland should not...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4763204/College-student-inflicted-prolonged-sustained-rape.html /// This young man was passed from pillar to post and country to country essentially. He has...
http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/835979/Majorca-attacks-againts-tourism-antifa-spain /// Last year activists sprayed graffiti on historic buildings in the heart of Palma reading "Tourists go home:...
Better together?? - 'British' soldier from Scotland, denied treatment in England... I know that when Scottish people get treatment in England, the Scottish NHS pays for it (NHS in England/Scotland are...