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I have Vista Home Premium, Windows Defender and McAfee Security. A warning message under Malware in Windows Security saying that no antivirus software can be found. Directly underneath it says that...
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how do I get photos from phone to laptop (step by step please )
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With no keys pressed, my character goes backwards. I loaded the game for the first time last night and found it disconcerting to have my 'hero' stumble about in his prison cell. Obviously in oblivion....
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This last few days ther seems to be updates every time I start the computer .Im running vista are these necesssary .Can I stop these .as it takes a long time to get on line .
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I have been trying to figure out letter equations and am stuck on 2, can anyone help with the following:- 2 B in a B M 40 A N
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Is anyone having any troubles logging into Yahoo tonight? I can't log in, it just refreshes the page, even if I try with an incorrect password it doesn't pick that up....
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I have a Panasonic Veria LCD TV, about 2 years old. All of a sudden when I swtich it on, there is just a constant clicking noise and the standby light flashes. Any ideas?
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if you have a 10 volt voltage source a 2ohm resistor and a 0.1H inductor all in series, how do i work out the load impeadance for maximum power transfer?
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batteries seem not to last very long in remote any ideas on the best ones to use.rechargable are even worse?
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Can anybody tell me what average power (kW or HP - I'm ambidextrous) a medium sized car's air conditioning takes? Friends are forever telling me how it severely affects petrol consumption, but I tell...
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Colin is the cat! he had an upset stomach last week and pooped on my bed (twice) and on the living room carpet (once). I've been chucking him out for the last few nights. he looks very snuggly at the...
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I am 1st time user of ext. HD as my back up discs are becoming too unwieldy. I clicked for a full back up and when finished it showed 30 GB on the ext HD whereas my comp. drive shows I have 100 GB on...

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