My daughter is the single mother of an incredibly cute 16 month old daughter. Both of them spent a great deal of time with us over the festive season, because her current 'partner' has aspergers and...
Every so often i get a sensitive scalp, and a sore throat, and ear ache, all on the same side of my body. Does anyone know what it is and what causes it? years guys and happy new year
We're getting married next year and are currently preparing the wedding invitations. We already live together and have everything we need so with regards to gifts, we don't expect anything but if...
Is anyone else feeling oddly agressive lately? I could quite cheerfully rip someone's head off for no apparent reason and I've noticed a fair few people who seem to be at the end of an extremely short...
I hope Im in the right section. I've been wondering about those prison uniform's that used to have arrow's pointing downwards on them. Anyone know why? TIA.
Who paid for that fireworks show. How much did it cost. How much carbon dioxide did it spew. So saving the earth is a fashionable thing to say is raise taxes...but when it is fun time we...
Hiya. Does anybody know who sings that song that advertises 'soapstar superstar' at the moment. Its on black and white and they're all getting ready. I think the song is 'get ready for love' ???
I was in town today and noticed a shop has closed down and was trying to remember what it was before. This particular building has been many things from tourist information, a clothes shop and an ice...
My friend has this and is having shots of Enbrel to help alleviate the pain but she is ballooning in weight. She has gone from 34C to a 40D bra size and also has IBS and says she looks pregnant. Is...
why do some people on this site think its a quiz site?! for example, they would say 'name 5 people who have been in corrie for more than 10 years' don't they know its a site for if you need advice or...
Did anyone have them calling on Christmas Day? We did in our area! Ok, they dont celebrate Christmas Day but surely that does'nt give them the right to invade people's homes with their flippin...
Does the ED only choose to remove or edit material if Aber's complain about it or can she automatically remove it if it is deemed to be offensive to other Aber's? If she has carte blanche then why...