//The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has undertaken research as to whether the 2021 census should ask questions about people’s gender identity as well as their biological sex. This follows...
They aint good enough. England and the other home nations are only doing well because of the collapse of Soviet Russia which allowed lots of smaller nations to enter. Add to that the fact that FIFA...
'Las Vegas authorities now acknowledge mass murderer Stephen Paddock may have been “radicalized” before his bloody rampage Sunday at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival but they won’t say what...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41519601 Now its all out in the open at last. According to Shapps, an ex-Chair of the Party, she has to go. Surely May's time must now be limited....weeks or days...
https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-germany/prepare-now-for-over-the-cliff-brexit-german-industry-says-idUKKBN1CA0KV We've often heard predictions that the German govt will be pressured by...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41503143 "Sir Edward Heath would have been questioned over sex abuse claims if he was alive when they came to light, police have said" "No inference of guilt should be...
Brian Rix would have been delighted with the Tory Farce. Forget all about the bluster and false promises of backing the PM. A strong person because she made it through a speech with a cough! This is...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/theresa-may-speech-live-protester-interrupt-fake-p45-simon-brodkin-a7982421.html I can't think of a way to spin this into a question, sorry. I just...
Some politicians are just unlucky. But her speech speech today couldn't have been more so. Goodness only knows how the 'comedian' managed to get in and present her with the mock P45. Security is very...
They want bosh and plenty of it.
Why don't we just walk away with our offers intact and let them then decide if they want to trade with us....