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ellis bell

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ellis bell
hi everyone, how r u? there's this song which i don't know any of the lyrics because it's in French and i really want to listen to it.. it's like 2 or 3 years old. and in the video a mom and her son...
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What can I feed my carnivorous partner to convince him veggy food is actually really versatile and not boring?  I've done Lentil moussaka, veggy lasagna, and haloomi kebabs so far, with...
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ellis bell
hi everyone this is such a detail sorry, but i need sth relevant: in chapter 6 of Jane Eyre, Jane says;" ..would not ponder the matter deeply; like Felix".what is this Felix? i mean i've searched and...
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Are identical twins genetically 100% identical, or do they share nearly but not completely all their genes, which could be caused by mutations occuring before birth?
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What is the surface area of the planet Jupiter?
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I've had them for the past two nights, waking up in a sweat, afraid to go back to sleep. Yet I don't remember them in the morning. What's going on?
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why is it if you sleep for 8 - 10 hours a night you feel more tired the next day than say if you slept for between 5 and 6 hours
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Hi, I just wanted some advise on this matter, my boyfriend drinks almost every night, we're talking six out of seven nights here and I don't like the fact that we can't sit in and have night in...
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What is the strongest pain a human can feel? For instance, is being burnt more painful that a broken bone? Would being stabbed in the stomach be more painful than having your hand chopped off with an...
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andy hughes
Since it's such a nice day, and I'm feeling so cheerful ... what song are you having played at your funeral?
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....Iris. How fab is this tune? Have these guys been on the scene for a while and if so where have i been?! Luvin' it.
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the freak
a few years ago i saw this movie on tv, it was a thriller about a bunch of people and a professor of some sort who stay in this big, old house that's supposed to be haunted. the main character was a...
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Watched Mask on dvd on Sunday - Cried like a baby.  Fab film.  What films make you cry?

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