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At last night's line of duty. Can anyone explain it to me. I love the series but I'm finding it harder to understand the story line.
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Some of you might remember that last November, on a flight home from holiday, out of the blue I had a seizure. Never had one in my life before or since. Was taken straight to hospital from airport and...
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From AC12 to PC12 - typical BBC. Also a tediously difficult storyline. What did you think?
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Yes I know that is a contradiction in terms. Basically I have some tiny vases (and I mean tiny) you cant even get your little finger in them. They are the place card holders for the forthcoming...
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Hi I have been trying to find a Catherine Lansfield Pink Banbury Floral Double Duvet Cover and Quilted Bedspread to buy, searched online but can only seem to find them in Green or Lemon, when I do...
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Has anyone here had a seborrheic keratosis removed by laser?
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Updated post to follow...
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i have a whatsapp video id like to send to someone ho doesnt have whatsapp. i have the web app - how can i do it?
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Which painkiller do you think is best for toothache, Aspirin, Ibuprofen or.Paracetamol?
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I have an integral garage with a shower and loo which is used for storage, not for garaging a car. I have been letting a homeless person sleep in it if he rings my bell before 10pm. He has a shower...
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I need to get ointment onto my back, up under my shoulder blades, and I can’t reach. Mrs B helps of course, but at three in the morning I’m on my own. Any ideas for applicators? Ta. BB...
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Is there an equivalent to carpal tunnel syndrome which affects the hip joint? I have a problem with my left hip during the night, which wakes me with a burning pain which is only relieved after about...
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Has anyone ever had it? I have the symptoms of Shingles but without the main one. Could it still be shingles? I can't bear anything to touch the place and it's so sore but just on the surface but...
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Has any one had problems with a substitute medication infusion for rheumatiod arthritis.IE retuximab replaced by TRUXIMA.
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Little Tigs tends to get very hot in his bed even in winter. I've switched his radiator off but he says he still feels hot. His head gets very sweaty so I'm thinking of getting a cooling pillow. He...
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Have any of you any useful ideas to keep your bathroom cleaners out of sight. Just after buying new snow white accessories, toilet mats etc. and want the ugly cleaners away. thanks
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Which of the alternatives to milk is the most like cows milk? TIA...
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my surgery at the mo are ballsing things about I have been to 3 different secretaries (we have two practices) anyway 3 different secretaries are giving me 3 different stories regards the appointments...
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somebody was talking on here about the voltaren and like with an applicator - anybody point me to the link - thanks
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Well do you?? What’s it like?...

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