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Did Cheryl Cole marry Ashley to prove she wasn't a racist?
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Does anyone else think this annual flag waving event is racist and offensive? Why is it allowed in a diverse society like the UK? I'm surprised there's not a lot more protests....
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We all know that savings are necessary so why are we not looking at our largest bill by far? Instead we cut coppers etc. 120Bn on the welfare bill that's the target. Useless layers of management the...
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When does a 6'3" ex-soldier beating up a 5'2" woman in his care unconcious deserve a sentence of 6 months? Answer: When he's a policeman I know how much people love the Mail so here you go:...
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Are you happy?
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Not nearly as silly as it sounds here, Pastor Jones is having a Koran burning ceremony in a little corner of Florida on Saturday, meanwhile thousands of miles away we have young men and women fighting...
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Police in Manchester did not chase suspected motorcycle thieves because the thieves were not wearing crash helmets. This was in line with national guidelines. I can see both sides of this argument but...
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Hi last night a became slave to a third cat. A beautiful 9 week old ginger tom [but quite creamy in colour]. He is just to die for and has been named Terra, he hasn't met the rest of the family yet...
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It seems this is all based on the fact that they once shared a twin room. So are 2 people of the same sex sharing a room now deemed Gay by default?
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The Beckhams famously name their children after places they have stayed (Brooklyn and Rome(o)). I notice the Cameron's have named their new baby Endellion, named after the place they are staying in...
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Quite from BBC web site: "In the London borough of Newham, which has the highest number of births to foreign-born mothers in the country, the figure was 75.7%" Oh dear, I can hardly bring my...
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Has she been given thousands of pounds yet by some newspaper for her life story. I just wonder how long it will be before she is invited to appear for an interview on tv as well...
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anotheoldgit England is now the most overcrowded country in Europe with, 402.1, people per square kilometre, Wales 145.6, people per square kilometre, Northern Ireland 128.2, people per...
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anotheoldgit /// Workers were repeatedly sworn at and branded “idiots” and “monkeys” /// /// One MP shouted at staff: “this system is a *******...
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hi, my ex has smacked me around 5 times since dec09-aug10 i called the police in may and he was done for battery and cautioned as i would not take him to court. Then on the 10th august he went for me...
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Hi,my 18 year old daughter got a FPN from an over zealous police officer yesterday for straddling double white lines when passing a pedal cyclist on a clear road.Highway code rule 129 says you can...
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anotheoldgit A march through a part of Bradford is planned by the The English Defence League (EDL) during August bank holiday weekend. Once again certain factions are trying to get it...
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http://www.dailymail....s-legal-aid-axed.html Some common sense for a change.....
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4getmenot Sorry bur surely he shouldnt have parked there so why not be fined, what makes him a hero? He said there was a tiny private property sign, even I can see...
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http://www.telegraph....-distract-victim.html Apologies to the female AB'ers for the slight sexism of this post......

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