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I asked a question about tax laws in Guernsey, and someone gave me a very informative answer, which I want to tell my students, as we were discussing it. However, there is NO way to select/cut/paste...
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sunflower68 'Scuse the ignorance AB Ed but have I missed something?  Was asked to report on a reply today and I  certainly don't wish to...
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does anyone know what the name leibensperger is? i always thought it to be german, now i'm hearing swiss! i'm confused!
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He's got no time to stand arguing the toss. The toss? Thanx
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Slightly more of a request than a question, but I am interested in your views.  Please could people learn that: INCORRECT: "I must of forgotten it" CORRECT: "I must have forgotten it" Why do so...
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Could you update the 'most popular threads' link on the home page a little more often please? I have nothing to do at work (ever) and AB is one of my fave sites to waste time on but that only seems to...
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Dwarf Dwarf throwing is being considered as an Olympic sport; whilst in France the sport has been banned one French Dwarf has even taken his case to the human rights committee at the U.N, do you think...
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I'm here now, what were your other 2 wishes?  lol  No, seriously though - if you did have one wish what would it be?  would it be something for everyone or would you be "selfish" and...
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Last week a very pretty girl was walking past my daughter's house, when she made a clearing noise in her throat, then spat on the pavement. My daughter & I were astounded & the girl...
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Three years ago my friend was in a car with her two grandkids when they were in collision with a drunk driver. My friend and one of the children was killed and the other child was left badly...
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My company is in the process of buying a new office. The current users have a 'disabled' parking space. One of my staff says that a disabeld person can park in the space whether or not they are...
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my best friend is depressed and wont tell me why so i cant help wat can i do?
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What is the meaning of "low-hanging" in the following sentences? Entering the narrow, low-hanging walkways that bordered the courtyard perimeter, Langdon felt the familiar uneasiness he always felt in...
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What does this expression mean
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While out on a walk, I noticed 5 dead crows tied to a fence by their neck. It is not the first time i have seen this and i have no idea why anyone would do this. Can anyone tell me?
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Can we please stop the polls please?  The questions are absolutely ridiculous.
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Does anybody know of an auction/bidding site equivalent to ebay?
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What is the meaning of "howdy-do" and "might as well" in the following sentences? "The church is round. The Templars ignored the traditional Christian cruciform layout and built a perfectly circular...
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Someone who makes only negative, critical comments about people (or situations) even though there are many obvious, positive and happy comments that could easily be made about that same person (or...
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Hi, not sure if this is the correct category. I want to buy a mobile phone for my gran. She is 84. Reason is, she recently had a bad fall and hit her face on the pavement. My gran says it took about...

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