Most voters now want closer ties with the EU in a Dramatic reversal of Opinion Since Brexit..There appears to be a big shift in Public opinion in the Latest poll of 10,000 people...More signs that the...
7d.People who follow and set fashion trends;instruments used to set hair(7)No letters
12a.Record; mark or register esp. a piece of music (6)n?????
Many thanks...
Before my wife had her hysterectomy she had very heavy and painful periods. During one of the many tests she had to determine the cause, the specialist noticed the deep, ulcer type sores on her thighs...
I do hope this is an April fool gag but I've just read that Amanda Holden is taking over from Paul O'Grady. That's another programme I won't be watching then....
I had the above smart meter fitted yesterday. It worked fine all day. This morning at 0700 hrs the screen was just black with message "waiting for data" I checked "system status" and got message...
The spectator crossword which I received from Danny won't print properly. A section of the grid is missing and also a lot of the down clues. The crossword has printed A5 size...several times. Nothing...
Hi everyone, I'm very confused and in complicated situation right now. Actually, the thing is I'm in relationship with a guy for 1.5 yrs. After 5 months of our relationship i caught him texting like...
I updated my iPad to version 16.4 yesterday. Now when I look at the latest postings, some people's avatars are showing a blue box with a ? inside. Barry1010 and MissTerious2 and Sandy Roe are a few....
OMG he is so full of himself, gets so annoyed when he gets a question wrong and says “The best Chaser gets the best team”… what must the other Chasers think of him. Such a big head. Liked Bradley’s...